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Get Around Bittorrent Firewall/PacketShaper


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So I'm at college here and pretty much everything is blocked. I can get online and view websites, but that's about it. Bittorrent, online games, and pretty much everything that's fun is blocked. I know for a fact that they use a combination of a firewall and a PacketShaper. After pleading with them to open up and even writing letters to the college paper, nothing has helped and it's actually getting worse. There are some ports open like MSN/AIM etc. work, IRC works, but SSH doesn't. Is there anyway to get around this issue? I thought about running a proxy outside the campus network but that just gets annoying. All I want to do is d/l some of your guys episodes. It sucks. Plus we get like 40 to 50 Kbps down and that's on a good day. The connection is extremely poor. Anyone have any suggestions besides me paying for an alternative ISP?

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The reason bit torrent/p2p is blocked is because:

a: You collage will have to pay a massive overuse charge for the extra bandwidth (happend to my uni, twice),

b: They'll get sued by some asshat who thinks the collage is allowing piracy (lets face it, 99% of people with BT are not using it for legitimate stuff),

c: It clogs up the network for legimate uses

d: The network is provided as a study aid, not a free-for-all,

e: The network topology would mean problems when people don't setup there clients properly.

f: its a god damn school

If you want to download stuff via p2p, get your own connection.

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a: You collage will have to pay a massive overuse charge for the extra bandwidth (happend to my uni, twice),


c: It clogs up the network for legimate uses

d: The network is provided as a study aid, not a free-for-all,


f: its a god damn school

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