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Karma Output?


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Maybe I am just not getting it...

Possibly this was explained somewhere else.

In Karma, the "Intelligence Report" Tab says:

Karma Intelligence Report

HW Address IP Address hostname SSID [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] Wii SmurfVillage

Which is the Wii in the living room...

Then, the "Karma Log" tab says:

Karma Log

1384066095 [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] Gondor [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma]1384072374 [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] Wii [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma]1384057540 [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] android-1f2dc00c457ef930 *IP address       HW type     Flags       HW address            Mask     Device172.16.42.234    0x1         0x2        [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] *        br-lan172.16.42.165    0x1         0x2        [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] *        br-lan10.0.0.1         0x1         0x2        [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] *        wlan1KARMA: Successful association of [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma]KARMA: Checking SSID for start of association, pass through SmurfVillageKARMA: Probe Request from [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] for SSID 'Guest-Hopkins'KARMA: Probe Request from [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] for SSID 'CenturyLink8349'KARMA: Probe Request from [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] for SSID 'Southampton Party Room'KARMA: Probe Request from [ma:cm:ac:ma:cm:ac:ma] for SSID 'NOKIA Lumia 521_1713'KARMA: Successful association of 00:17:ab:56:70:7bblahblahblahKARMA: ENABLED

There is one device on WLAN1 that comes in at

I am able to ping that from my computer connected on eth01.

Then, there is the wii IP address on br-lan...

--Um, what is the difference between the 3 at the top of the LOG page, and the 3 listed next... and the one (wii) listed on the intelligence page?

These sections don't seem to have headings that specify what they are. I have not had a pineapple before, so maybe many people already know from the past? Please help.

--What is the difference between the wii on br-lan and this 10.x.x.x on wlan1? Isn't the wii on wlan1?

Edited by UltimatePeter
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The error is in /pineapple/components/system/karma/includes/helper.js

within function refresh_report()

Because the variable i is bing used twice within a loop (oops).

var karma = data[2];                                                           
    for (var i = karma.length-1; i >=0 ; i--) {                                    
      if(karma[i].indexOf("Successful") !== -1){                                   
        var client = new Array();                                                  
        client[0] = karma[i].split(' ')[5];                                        
        client[1] = karma[i-1].slice(71);                                          
        var exists = false;                                                        
          for (var i = clients.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {                          
            if(clients[i][0] == client[0]){                                        
              exists = true;                                                       

change the 2nd var i to var j:

var karma = data[2];                                                           
    for (var i = karma.length-1; i >=0 ; i--) {                                    
      if(karma[i].indexOf("Successful") !== -1){                                   
        var client = new Array();                                                  
        client[0] = karma[i].split(' ')[5];                                        
        client[1] = karma[i-1].slice(71);                                          
        var exists = false;                                                        
          for (var j = clients.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {                          
            if(clients[j][0] == client[0]){                                        
              exists = true;                                                       
Edited by midnitesnake
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So, I'm gathering that (after these changes) the Karma intelligence Report tab is supposed to list currently connected clients?

And I'm sorry to keep nagging about pineapple-noob stuff, but could you guys tell me the difference between the first set and the second set on the Karma Log Tab?

Also, why do some show as br-lan, and some show as wlan0 (wifi)?


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