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Cannot connect to internet or pineapple bar


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I just got my Mark IV yesterday and i have been trying to get it to connect to the internet so i can access the pineapple bar but with no luck,

i am using Kali Linux, I have tried to use the wp4.sh starter but with no luck, i can access the pineapple over ethernet but when i got the pineapple bar it says "Error connecting. Please check your internet connection!" I have looked through some threads trying to find an anwser with no luck.

A few details, I live at college, and i have my own router, my gateway for my router is so i tried using that with no luck, actually after running the wp4.sh file i would loose connectivity, then i tried the schools gateway of also with no luck.

If anyone has any idea at all, it would be appreciated. :)

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This is how i ran it, after doing so, any attempt to access the pineapple bar or my computers internet fails.

2013-09-19 18:53:36 (2.42 MB/s) - `wp4.sh.15' saved [4161/4161]

  _       ___ _______    ____  _                              __   
 | |     / (_) ____(_)  / __ \(_)___  ___  ____ _____  ____  / /__ 
 | | /| / / / /_  / /  / /_/ / / __ \/ _ \/ __ '/ __ \/ __ \/ / _ \
 | |/ |/ / / __/ / /  / ____/ / / / /  __/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  __/
 |__/|__/_/_/   /_/  /_/   /_/_/ /_/\___/\__,_/ .___/ .___/_/\___/ 
  OWN the Network                            /_/   /_/       v2.1

Pineapple Netmask []: 
Pineapple Network []: 
Interface between PC and Pineapple [eth0]: 
Interface between PC and Internet [wlan0]: 
Internet Gateway []:
IP Address of Host PC []: 
IP Address of Pineapple []: 

     _ .           ___          \||/   Internet: - wlan0
   (  _ )_  <-->  [___]  <-->  ,<><>,  Computer:
 (_  _(_ ,)       \___\        '<><>' Pineapple: - eth0

Browse to  --  Happy Hacking!

[1] 3714

Edited by mattsmith11
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Two tips for you.

1: If you're going to use Linux and the wp4 script you might want to kill the process for the network manager. It can interfere with wired connections. Plenty of mentions about it here in other posts.

2: If you're just looking for the simple way to connect your pineapple to the internet just use a cat5 cable directly from your router to the other Eth port on the pineapple. (the one that uses DHCP not the one set to Then connect to the pineapples WiFi and go to the pineapple bar. You'll be able to install infusions.

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