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New version of Pandora?


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Check out the HTML files that come with Pandora's jar. The flash applet (the .swf file) on Pandora's site is hard-coded into it. Just go to the Pandora website, check out what the applet they embed is called, make the html use that same version and go back to leeching.

They improve their software just like everybody else. Not everything is a conspiracy.

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Hey Cooper,

Do you know how to update the html file for Pandomax? I see only a few lines of HTML in the file, and then a huge section of code or compiled code.

I did the update for Mythos' version, and it was able to play, but still didn't capture and save.


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We don't support the PJ-rippoff "pandomax" here... -.-

But for PJ: For the current versions I think you don't need to change anything within the pandoraGrabber.html! It uses the newest player version automatically! (At least it does for me...)

I think there will be need in anyone of the PJ-coders to change the way PJ reads out the data!

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I suspect one or more of the strings in Constants.java need to be updated, but I don't know how the original author sussed out these values in the first place.

public static final String PARAM_ARTIST = "artist";

public static final String PARAM_ALBUM = "album";

public static final String PARAM_GENRE = "genre";

public static final String PARAM_COMMENT = "comment";

public static final String PARAM_YEAR = "year";

public static final String PARAM_TITLE = "title";



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I suspect one or more of the strings in Constants.java need to be updated, but I don't know how the original author sussed out these values in the first place.

public static final String PARAM_ARTIST = "artist";

public static final String PARAM_ALBUM = "album";

public static final String PARAM_GENRE = "genre";

public static final String PARAM_COMMENT = "comment";

public static final String PARAM_YEAR = "year";

public static final String PARAM_TITLE = "title";



I posted a new thread in this forum about my error with pandora's jar having an "unable to locate artista and song information" problem. If this is the same problem you're having then I'm inclined to agree with you - and maybe those string names are the problem.

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A cheap & nasty hack would be those services where you call a number on your mobile, hold it up to the speaker and get a text message back with the track name and artist. Something like that must exist for your PC.

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A cheap & nasty hack would be those services where you call a number on your mobile, hold it up to the speaker and get a text message back with the track name and artist. Something like that must exist for your PC.

Yup. Musicbrainz

It's what the Last.fm audioscrobbler plugin uses to determine what track you were listening to.

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At a forum member's request, I uploaded my hacked version (which saves the 'unknown' MP3s) here:


Sorry about the lamer download site, but hey, it's free.

For those like me that don't trust anonymous jars ;-), here are the changes:


import java.util.*;

// Change main c'tor:

public SongInfo(String artist, String title) {

if ( null == artist )

this.artist = "unknown";


this.artist = artist;

if ( null == title ) {

GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();

this.title = "" +

gc.get(Calendar.YEAR) +

Util.fmt(gc.get(Calendar.MONTH),2) +

Util.fmt(gc.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH),2) +

Util.fmt(gc.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY),2) +

Util.fmt(gc.get(Calendar.MINUTE),2) +




this.title = title;



add to util/Util.java:

public static String fmt(int i, int w) {

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

while (w-- > 0) {

sb.append( (char)('0' + (i % 10)) );

i /= 10;



return sb.toString();



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thanks to hiwatt99

for his short hack, but cruisin-mode doesn't work anytime &

Musicbrainz doesnt recognize only a single track!

im on osx|10.4.7 and everything worked fine before the pandora update.

Someone with same probs & any suggestions?

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hiwatt99 said:

At a forum member's request, I uploaded my hacked version (which saves the 'unknown' MP3s) here:


Hiwatt99, strange, not a big deal by any means, but when it creates the calendar based filename, it's naming them by the month of September (09), instead of October (10). I looked at your code in the post, and it looks right, so perhaps it's slightly different in the actual jar? Could it simply need an (add 1)>>?

(can you tell I don't write code?! :oops: )

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From what I recall from about 6 months ago when I first dug into the app, there's a javascript function that gets called by the Pandora application which includes the artist and title as a parameter.

The reading back of the title bar was something that the other programs that existed at the time were doing. It's what the program that was originally shown in the Hak.5 ep did. Then Pandora stopped putting that information in the title bar and all those external programs died.

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Yes, exactly. It would be useful to know, how the versions that worked until the latest changes of pandora were getting the artist/title information. If they would have taken it directly out of the flash file, it would still work (except if the pandora guys changed the name of some variables or something like that)... So there must have been another way... But IS it possible to access any info within the flash file at all? 'Coz then you could just get it from there... Or as someone suggestet, let PJ follow the "backstage"-link in the background - if possible - and get the information from there... If following the link is possible, it should be no problem getting the artist/title info via the DOM!


Did you mention that there is another flash file embedded on the original pandora site? It's http://pandora.com/Secretary.swf

I don't know if that exists in PJ as well... I know there's another "invisible" flash file embedded in PJ as well, but I don't know if it's also the Secretary.swf!?

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