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SSH Returning BusyBox


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Hello. (Pineapple noob here)

So I recently received my new Pineapple about a week ago, and finally had the chance to start playing around with it. I can log into the UI, and have already installed a couple of infusions into the system. I noticed, however, that when I tried to login through ssh, so I could upload html files for a dns spoof, I ended up in a terminal for busybox. Is this normal? After watching videos online, others are able to just upload files using Filezilla, or nautilus, but for i'm drawn a blank as to what to do at this point. Any help?

Edited by DotFooz
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what do you mean you ended up in a terminal "for" busybox? busybox is basically a multicall binary like toolbox. its basically like a bunch of utilities in one. which utilites it includes vary greatly. run busybox from the terminal and see which apptlets it has. if you want to use ftp,sftp,ftps then you need to make sure the pineapple is running an ftp server. then from filezilla or from nautilus filebrowser you can add the login docs to connect to the pineapple

Edited by vector
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what do you mean you ended up in a terminal "for" busybox? busybox is basically a multicall binary like toolbox. its basically like a bunch of utilities in one. which utilites it includes vary greatly. run busybox from the terminal and see which apptlets it has. if you want to use ftp,sftp,ftps then you need to make sure the pineapple is running an ftp server. then from filezilla or from nautilus filebrowser you can add the login docs to connect to the pineapple

Here's a screenshot when I try to ssh into the machine with a terminal. QD0vlvP.png

If I try to use a GUI application like FileZilla or gftp, I fail to connect, but can reach this through a terminal.

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Make sure what ever gui tool your using is using SSH and port 22. Are you trying this from Linux or a Mac? On Windows you can use Winscp. Doing a quick Google search provides these simple examples from the command line:

Copy the file "foobar.txt" from a remote host to the local host:

$ scp your_username@remotehost.edu:foobar.txt /some/local/directory

Copy the file "foobar.txt" from the local host to a remote host:

$ scp foobar.txt your_username@remotehost.edu:/some/remote/directory

Good luck!

Edited by seag33k
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BusyBox is just the shell... You are SSH'd in like any other would be.

As for nautilus rejecting you, it's because nautilus only supports FTP/SFTP, and to make that work with the pineapple you need a special package, should be available in the repositorys, but you will have to search for the name.

Just use 'scp' for transfering files, its so much easier than fidgeting with a UI

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