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pfsense Do Specs Really not matter? (pfsense VS Cisco rsv4000)


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So watching some of the old vids and I got intrigued with the idea of a squid web cache.

long story short I was thinking how far I could really upgrade an old computer to make it a powerful router Anti-virus on it, maybe couple 10GE nix cards, 802.11ac wi-fi, SSD to keep squid snappy

And I'm wondering when they say the specs don't matter is that true and is there a point when they do?

I'm sure running A/V inspection and adding other apps have to add up?

is there any bus concerns at 1gb/s or 10gb/s networks for the nix cards

And if that wasn't enough to ponder, then it hit me when I remembered I had two brand new cisco rsv4000 routers in the closest waiting for some action. I'm still thinking a squid web cache will be great use but I have to wonder when everyone says a old computer will make stronger router is this always true because of the more power or is there point when routers become better then a router OS?

any input or feedback would be greatly appreciated

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