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Can anyone code this?


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Hey, im no good at coding some im not really looking for a recomendation here just like to know if its possible, and if someone could do it for me :)

heres a pic of what i wanna toggle


basically i have a sennheiser gameset and it has its own usb soundcard, so when i wanna paly i have to toggle this back and forth so i can have speakers and headphones. would make life alot easier to have a hotkey to toggle them

thanks in advance interested to know the response :P

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i'll get the program name off my brother (it'll take a few hours as he is out atm), but there is a program where you can script mouse movements. afaik it also records your movements. that'd be the easiest way for you to do it.

it's possible to make a program to do that, however, i don't have time to write it atm.

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thnx guys these all sound good, this mouse imitation proggie.. i presume it remembers destinations and so you dont have to have your mouse in the same area b4 you set of the script.. and also a toggle function wouldnt be possible i know im spliting hairs!!

anyway 9am astrophys lecture =/

gl :D

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Take a look at AutoIt. It allows you to create scripts that use window names to change certain aspects of that window. You could create you own gui autoit script with a toggle button that opens up that sound properties screen, changes that one drop down, and then exits from the sound properties page. You can do the toggle by just checking to see what the value is and switching it to the other (just some simple if-then). Take a look in at the demos.

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^_^ done!

ok so here is AudioPower, i finished programing it like 6h's ago, but spent a ton of time looking for a decent icon maker, so in the end the icon looks sh^t.

Pretty much, run the exe and the program will minimise to the sys tray, click on the icon and u will get the options to switch between audio devices, also ive included a function to switch between input audio, please note that this program does not change the registary so that it auto runs, you will need to do this ur self, or place a copy of it in the startup folder in ur start menu.

Wow i programed a white hat... =O lol. yay i gain a point. VB6 ftw!! (me and a few mates are competing against each other "i can do anythink u can do better - VB6 Vs. C++"

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Wow i programed a white hat... =O lol. yay i gain a point. VB6 ftw!! (me and a few mates are competing against each other "i can do anythink u can do better - VB6 Vs. C++"

Heres a challenge, make it run on Linux, MacOS, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Minix, iPods, Xbox GC PS2, or anything else that doesn't have windows on it. :twisted:

(ReactOS doesn't count beacuse it is binary compatible with windows)

(btw, im a VB hater, i've lost too many beginning programmers to the noob oriented virus/script kiddie language.)

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Ok the link is back, i decided that i would place it on my server instead of a free host. But then i had to go down the street and all so yeah... all good now pls test it and tell me what u think lol ^_^.

As for making it run on other OS's whats the point? lol they arnt as stupid as placing the device swap so far into the administeration tools and settings.

As for the VB hateing yeah true theres too many skiddies out there using VB, but when it comes down the Microsoft System tools i honestly think that VB (VB6 more to the point) is one of the most efficent ways of making these kind off tools.

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I have the same problem and just go about the long way of toggling the primary sound device. This program sounds great but I'm hesitant about it because it sounds like it stays resident. I've got enough crap running in my systray. If you could compile a command line version that accepts arguments then I could just assign a shortcut key to toggle them by calling a cmd or bat.

Oh, and I'd love to see the source. .... because I'm paranoid whenever it comes to closed code on these forums ;)

Not that anyone here would have less than stellar intentions though.

Cheers on the sweet proggie either way.

Edit: Oh yeah, and we got a question exactly like this at questions@hak5.org and havent had a chance to address those. We keep putting off the questions segment because we've got a ton of content to squeeze into an hour show. Anyway when we do finally rejig the format just a wee bit and answer these questions I'll be sure to point out this program as a solution.

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haha yeah i can understand the shonkyness of inclosed exe's specialy on a hack site lol. Reason i didnt post it was cos i hate posting non-commented script, well anyway i went through and add a few and here it is:

As for the:

If you could compile a command line version that accepts arguments then I could just assign a shortcut key to toggle them by calling a cmd or bat.

More info and ill do it ^^, how do u want it too work? like just run prog with argument to change device, but do u want to use numbers or name of device?

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hmm yeah i can add the option so that u can difine a hot key, though if its for what im thinking it wont be able to work in game or any other DirX, ActX application, only windows native, though if ur happy with that then i can easly add it. Let me know.

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nah i dont wanna work it in game, you have to restart the application b4 the sound stops going the the speakers, basically its annoying when you see a server in ASE with 1 space left and by the time you've changed your audio settings its full again :(

so it would just be for changing it on the desktop and it would be real helpful :)


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