logicalconfusion Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 (edited) I noticed several YouTube videos demonstrating how to emulate Win2k Server (08 and 12) on Win7 using VBox. What's the best distro for Windows OS emulation using Vbox on a Linux machine? Distros like BT5r3 require root access for just about everything, and some distro's like DSL(Damn Small Linux) just suck. I'm thinking of using either Ubuntu or Mint, but I don't necessarily need a Debian box. Any suggestions? Edited October 7, 2013 by logicalconfusion Quote
barry99705 Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 The one that supports all the hardware on your host machine. After that it really doesn't matter. Quote
logicalconfusion Posted July 30, 2013 Author Posted July 30, 2013 @barry99705 Thats true. I can use a generic distro. I ideally want a host that comes with a slew of security tools like on BT5R3 (aka Kali) w/out the headache. There are scripts out there that will make Ubuntu - BT-like. In other words, scripts that can beef up Ubuntu by d/ling all the editors, network apps, file utiliities. I remember having to actually tweak sys files on BT5R3 just to get the bkgrd and menu to appear like on the root acnt...it was a real pain in the a$$. I'm not going that route again. So, I definitely need a disto or script that can aid my research. Pleae help :D! Quote
barry99705 Posted July 30, 2013 Posted July 30, 2013 I run Kali on my work laptop with a normal user. You get all the root menus. The biggest pain in the ass is changing out the lock screen background and login background. Quote
logicalconfusion Posted August 4, 2013 Author Posted August 4, 2013 @barry99705 Kali is the new version of BT5r3. Although its loaded with pen-testing tools and supported by Offensive Security, I think it's still a work in progress. I don't need a distro with like 1.3 gigs of just security tools. I know that BT5r3 crapped out when installing multi-media codecs and certain utilities that reference its internal libraries; so, I would presume that Kali is designed with the same set of restrictions. I'm looking for a script that will install just what it takes to turn an ordinary distro into a network/rev. engineering swiss army knife. I noticed a couple of neat scripts on the Unbutu forum. I'll post it here for review, if its still available. Maybe we can fine tune it and turn it into a real MCITP research tool. M$ applications rarely ship with whats required to reach under the hood. Quote
barry99705 Posted August 5, 2013 Posted August 5, 2013 @barry99705 Kali is the new version of BT5r3. Although its loaded with pen-testing tools and supported by Offensive Security, I think it's still a work in progress. I don't need a distro with like 1.3 gigs of just security tools. I know that BT5r3 crapped out when installing multi-media codecs and certain utilities that reference its internal libraries; so, I would presume that Kali is designed with the same set of restrictions. I'm looking for a script that will install just what it takes to turn an ordinary distro into a network/rev. engineering swiss army knife. I noticed a couple of neat scripts on the Unbutu forum. I'll post it here for review, if its still available. Maybe we can fine tune it and turn it into a real MCITP research tool. M$ applications rarely ship with whats required to reach under the hood. Which codecs? I'll try it out for you, I've installed quite a few additions to my laptop with no ill effects yet. Kali is Offensive Security's version of Debian. Installing normal applications shouldn't break anything anymore like it did in Backtrack, which was a hacked together version of Ubuntu(I know, it's Debian too). Quote
logicalconfusion Posted October 7, 2013 Author Posted October 7, 2013 @barry99705 Kali is too bloated. I found an old script on the Ubutnu forums that I think we can upgrade to make common Debian distros similar to Kali. Its from like 2011. I AM NOT THE AUTHOR! #!/bin/bash # System Configuration & Utilities apt-get -y install build-essential apt-get -y install linux-headers-`uname -r` apt-get -y install sysvconfig apt-get -y install bum ## Boot-Up Manager apt-get -y install tofrodos ## DOS utils apt-get -y install xinetd ## why not. apt-get -y install unrar ## RAR support apt-get -y install p7zip-full ## 7-Zip support apt-get -y install fcrackzip ## Zip cracking apt-get -y install ipcalc ## handy apt-get -y install sharutils ## uuencode / uudecode apt-get -y install xclip ## piping is handy apt-get -y install ldap-utils apt-get -y install cabextract ## damn microsoft and their fascist compression formats! apt-get -y install g++ apt-get -y install ssh ## Network services apt-get -y install samba apt-get -y install nis apt-get -y install nfs apt-get -y install smbfs ## samba utilities ## apt-get -y install tftpd ## you need to modify the /etc/init.d file... # system monitoring apt-get -y install ntop ## apt-get -y install sysstat ## iostat,sar,mpstat apt-get -y install procinfo # Package Management #apt-get -y install apt-build #apt-get -y install apt-dpkg-ref #apt-get -y install apt-listbugs apt-get -y install apt-file #apt-get -y install apt-howto apt-get -y install apt-utils apt-get -y install apt-listchanges apt-get -y install dconf # Terminal Emulators apt-get -y install tn5250 apt-get -y install screen # Filesystem Support apt-get -y install sshfs apt-get -y install ntfs-3g apt-get -y install ntfs-config apt-get -y install ntfsprogs apt-get -y install mkisofs # Gnome-Specific Configuration apt-get -y install gconf apt-get -y install gnomebaker apt-get -y install nautilus-open-terminal # ISAKMPD # apt-get -y install isakmpd apt-get -y install vpnc # Multimedia apt-get -y install amarok apt-get -y install xmms apt-get -y install xmms-skins apt-get -y install xmms-mp4 apt-get -y install mpg123 apt-get -y install totem-xine apt-get -y install ksnapshot apt-get -y install istanbul apt-get -y install recordmydesktop apt-get -y install gtk-recordmydesktop apt-get -y install xvidcap # Basics # Netcat & Tunnelling apt-get -y install netcat apt-get -y install sbd apt-get -y install cryptcat apt-get -y install socat apt-get -y install vtun apt-get -y install stunnel # Scanning Tools apt-get -y install nmap apt-get -y install nessusd apt-get -y install nessus apt-get -y install fping apt-get -y install hping2 apt-get -y install hping3 apt-get -y install scapy apt-get -y install snmp #apt-get -y install sing #send icmp nasty garbage apt-get -y install traceroute apt-get -y install tcptraceroute apt-get -y install ike-scan ## ipsec vpn tool apt-get -y install nbtscan ## cifs info tool apt-get -y install sslscan # Passive Scanning Tools apt-get -y install p0f apt-get -y install pads # Sniffing Tools apt-get -y install wireshark apt-get -y install ettercap apt-get -y install ettercap-gtk apt-get -y install tcpdump apt-get -y install tcpflow apt-get -y install ssldump apt-get -y install nemesis # packet injection apt-get -y install dsniff apt-get -y install etherape # Libraries apt-get -y install libssl #Medusa apt-get -y install libssl-dev #Medusa apt-get -y install libssh-2 #Medusa apt-get -y install python-pycurl #wfuzz apt-get -y install libnet-dns-perl #fierce.pl apt-get -y install libsnmp-perl #?? apt-get -y install libcrypt-ssleay-perl #HEAD,GET,POST, libwhisker apt-get -y install libnet-ssleay-perl # "" "" apt-get -y install ncurses-dev # kismet-newcore apt-get -y install libpcap-dev # kismet-newcore # Cracking Tools apt-get -y install john apt-get -y install medusa ## apt-get -y install hydra? ## not really that useful.. # Wireless Tools ##apt-get -y install kismet ## disabled because of kismet-ng apt-get -y install aircrack apt-get -y install aircrack-ng # App Layer Tools apt-get -y install wget apt-get -y install curl apt-get -y install nikto ## Scripting apt-get -y install ruby apt-get -y install python apt-get -y install perl apt-get -y install perl-doc apt-get -y install gawk apt-get -y install vim-ruby apt-get -y install vim-python ## Ruby - Gems apt-get -y install gems apt-get -y install rubygems ## Metasploit dependencies apt-get -y install libopenssl-ruby apt-get -y install ruby-libglade2 apt-get -y install libgtk2-ruby ## Scapy - Python Dependencies - http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/portability.html apt-get -y install graphviz # graph stuff apt-get -y install imagemagick # graph stuff apt-get -y install python-gnuplot # PacketList.plot() apt-get -y install python-crypto # WEP Stuff apt-get -y install python-visual # 3D Stuff apt-get -y install python-pyx # pdfdump() / psdump() apt-get -y install acroread apt-get -y install gv apt-get -y install sox ## ProxyStrike Dependencies apt-get -y install python-qt4 apt-get -y install python-openssl ## W3af Dependencies apt-get -y install python-pyparsing apt-get -y install python-pydot apt-get -y install python-soappy ## Coding ##apt-get -y install eclipse - get the latest version... apt-get -y install kdevelop apt-get -y install subversion apt-get -y install rapidsvn apt-get -y install vim-full apt-get -y install git apt-get -y install git-core ## Documentation apt-get -y install notecase apt-get -y install vim apt-get -y install liferea ## Web / Browser Utilities apt-get -y install azureus apt-get -y install opera apt-get -y install filezilla apt-get -y install flashplugin-nonfree apt-get -y install pidgin apt-get -y install pidgin-otr apt-get -y install thunderbird apt-get -y install lightning-extension apt-get -y install enigmail apt-get -y install irssi apt-get -y install silc apt-get -y install tor ## Windows Stuff apt-get -y install wine apt-get -y install quicksynergy ## Encryption apt-get -y install dmsetup apt-get -y install password-gorilla apt-get -y install gpa apt-get -y install seahorse ## Java apt-get -y install sun-java6-jre apt-get -y install sun-java6-plugin #set our java version to java-6-sun as this plays well with burpsuite update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun ## Upgrade & Such apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade ## Remove auto-start services update-rc.d -f exim4 remove update-rc.d -f tor remove update-rc.d -f ntop remove update-rc.d -f p0f remove ## not sure this is necessary update-rc.d -f pads remove update-rc.d -f isakmpd remove update-rc.d -f nessusd remove update-rc.d -f cups remove update-rc.d -f samba remove update-rc.d -f nis remove update-rc.d -f nfs-common remove ### Manual installs ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### truecrypt -- http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-truecrypt-on-ubuntu-edgy/ ### - you will need the linux kernel source for this one... ### onesixtyone -- http://www.phreedom.org/solar/onesixtyone/ ### libdvdcss2 -- "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/./install-css.sh" ### Don't forget VirtualBox Any suggestions on how to improve it? Quote
digip Posted October 7, 2013 Posted October 7, 2013 Would still go Kali, and build your own custom ISO with the tools you want, and leave out what you don't want. BackTrack and Kali are made by Offsec, but Kali is its own animal in itself, highly versatile, and a more compatible and compliant distro. http://docs.kali.org/downloading/live-build-a-custom-kali-iso Quote
Skorpinok Rover Posted October 7, 2013 Posted October 7, 2013 (edited) @barry99705 Kali is too bloated. kali is not bloated bro. its super user friendly & best pentest distro. martin bros himself told in of the recent talks that reason for switching backtrack (ubuntu based) to kali (debian) coz they sent tons & tons of issues to get fixed but ubuntu never implemented them & thats the main reason kali was switched to debain. every distro has some issues but everything gets fixed once you tinker around. i had error with sql map running on kali after issue was posted on kali forums i knew how run sql map in kali. yesterday i had a error with running cewl on kali within minutes i got it fixed with little googling. I have kali installed along with windows 7 ( dualboot) my dell xps core i7 8GB RAM is so super friendly with kali ,no problem with wifi,bluetooth or wired connection, i run nmap,metasploit community edition,nessus & sometimes Burp suite same time no freezing nothing. installed virtualbox inside kali running metaploitable 2 with latest version of mutillidae. :D Edited October 7, 2013 by Skorpinok W7PC Quote
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