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Connecting Mark IV disrupts laptop wifi connect


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Hello, I'm running linux mint and have never had a problem connecting to a wireless access point on wlan0 and keeping the connection for hours.

However, once connected to the wireless access point and then plugging in the network cable that runs from the Mark IV with the most recent version of pineapple OS, my wireless connection is disrupted or disconnected altogether.

Any obvious reasons why this might happen?

I run the script wp4.sh and everything connects properly, but shortly thereafter I lose my wifi signal on the laptop.

An ifconfig still shows the wlan0 with the proper ip address from the wireless router, but I cannot ping anything or access the net.

Help appreciated.

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Stupid/simple trick to try. In the network manager edit the eth0 connection and uncheck the box that says use that interface by default. Otherwise you will connect to your target WAP with wlan0 and have connectivity, but when you plug in or ifup eth0 the network manager will flip you over to that interface thereby breaking your wlan connection.

Right click on the network manager icon, select wired tab, select wired 1, click edit, uncheck "connect automagically".


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Yeah, I'm sure this isn't new. It's just fresh on my mind because I ran into earlier this week with a fresh kali install. Took me 10 minutes of swearing and editing the interfaces file before I remembered to turn that off.

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Okay I've unchecked that and it seems to be working properly. Thanks! Here's a stupid questions: what's the difference between "Automatic (DHCP)" and "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only" in the IPv4 settings tab? I can't slice the semantic differences here and can't find an answer through Google.

I was wondering if this might have something to do with the problem.

Thank you.

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