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Suggestion: layout selector!

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Why not implement into the config page of the web interface some kind of "quick layout selector"?

The css editor is very useful, we know, but in my opinion would be more useful to have, in addiction, the ability to select different preconfigured css layouts, ready to apply. A quick layout trigger would result in a killer feature that will help to better hide in a social-context and, in the same time, will help you to better satisfy your eyes in different mood or light conditions :P!!!
UNDERLINED:: I'm not talking about a pretty-fashion-hello-girly way to use our Pinz.. but a USEFUL way..

Eg.: a non-nerdish screen while @work, maybe an hi-contrast theme or a jamaican one, a fb-ish or transparent one.. WHOULD HELP !!!
(((i can't remember where i read similar recomendations too.. but was pineapple-related! ;)))

DISCLAIMER:: I'm not complaining about the actual web interface!!! i love it, ever loved, it has a great charm to me <3 ..but.. i've ever made some little adjustment to fit my personal needs or to avoid some "micro-bug" (eg.: when using a three lines menu, right and left panels overlay it.. and so on (micro-on!! ;) .. and we know that the css editor doesn't affect infusions... :P

So.. what do you think about that, it wouldn't be awesome???


Edited by say.what
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I understand that 3.0 is coming and, in my opinion you sould consider to preserve the css editor funcition, during remote use it is really handy!

Try to imagine a bounch of simple buttons placed in column, to the side of the css editor text box, with below the "edit" link that when pressed displays in the text box the css file to (eventually) modify and a "save" function. Each button (labeled 4eg: corporate, term, clear, hi-cont, stealth, custom,..) triggers and applies a different/editable layout.

sorry for the synthetic explanation..


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