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[RELEASE][JAVA] AlgoTut v2.0; Visual approach for understanding algorithms


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I'm pleased to introduce a project of mine, AlgoTut v2.0. This application provides a visual approach for better understanding searching and sorting algorithms.

The current release is limited to Sorting and Searching algorithms but the future releases would have several others including a functionality for utilising custom algorithms.

This application is completely build using JavaFX api, so it is portable to multiple platforms. This project is an open-source project, for dowloading the source, please visit my github page


1. Real-time visualisation of each step, an algorithm takes to complete its task, using bar-graph.

2. For each step, A log-entry is generated and displayed, thus generated log can be saved and can be used as a later reference.

3. Each step could be delayed for 1 to 4 seconds thus providing some time to understand what algorithm did.

Your feedback is very important for development of this application. Thanks!


Application start up.


Binary search algorithm running


Search item found!


Array loaded for sorting.


Insertion sort algorithm running


Sorting done!


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  • 2 weeks later...

99.9992934230893249233.14% of the the people (men/and ugly girls) just aren't smart enough to think about algorithms. I know digip's guna go all keyboard IP commando. BUT hey check out the opencourse on MIT if u'd like to know. JAVA's Object O


Edited by logicalconfusion
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