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Note To New Members


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Note to the new:

If your prime reason for signing up here was to:

Ask us to hack a website,

Find someone's password,

Hack MSN/Yahoo/AIM or any other kind of instant messenger or email,

Help you hack a school network,

Make youself look 1337 to your friends,

Help you own someone's box,

To learn how to severely piss off teachers or classmates or

To whine that you box was hacked and you need to wreak revenge,

then please look elsewhere, it's not happening here, we're not going to help you, don't waste your time posting about it. Your post will be either hijacked and filled with people who are going to insult you for being an idiot or it'll be locked or deleted. It's a waste of your time, our time (except it's sometimes amusing to laugh at these posts) and it is, ultimately, completely pointless.

So please, think carefully before you post asking for any of this information.

Welcome to those who aren't here for these reasons, btw ;)

Edit: We also don't support piracy so please don't ask for crackz, serialz, warez, where to find them, how to use them, how to burn your freshly torrented Windoez Ex-Pee iSOZ 2 a CEEDEE cuz u needz ti 4 skule...

Edit 2: If the moderators lock a thread it's for a reason. Do not post the same question again because if the last one got locked or deleted that's exactly what's going to happen to the next one, and the next, and the next... Worst case scenario you'll get banned so please be warned.

We encourage new members to participate but it's a 2 way street... if you would be kind enough to respect the few rules we have in place here then we will be only too happy to help you when you need it...

Again, I'll clarify that we DO LIKE new members but if you do have a problem that needs solving then please try to help yourselves before you rely on us to tell you the answers. Google is most certainly your friend but by all means if you can't find the answers you need there, please don't hesitate to ask here but we can tell when people don't try and I think I speak for the majority when I say it's irritating being relied on for tech support when the answer is right in from of you should you choose to find it,

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I think phpBB should be modified so that every new member has to see a 20 second flash/quicktime/txt thing welcoming them to the forums, and going over a VERY basic do's and don't. If it were done with those awesome Hak5 SouthPark characters with maybe a little jingle, and was somewhat comical it might just do the trick. Wess and I would be more than happy to provide voicework.

That said, I havent touched Macromedia Flash since version 5 so.... Um... What's this newfangled MX stuff? ;)

Prime example of tech flash used right:



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I'll 2nd moonlit and add this:

You do get a chance, if you ask stupid questions, realize the error of your ways and reform, that is cool. If you don't, you will be permantly banned from the forums, no ifs, buts, maybes or exceptions. We like new people, but don't take the piss.

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Perhaps this is what you're looking for ;)

It's what we get people to watch before posting on the forums I do tech stuff for :P

(Not made by us. We just host the file so we don't kill other people's bandwidth)

I like that we just need to mod it for hak.5 forums.

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You could change the "Are you 13 years of age or older" segment in phpBB to show the swf which would only let you go further in the registration process until you watched it all.

Great idea. My only concern is using flash or quicktime or whatever video format for the introduction to noobs, welcome to forums video. it needs to be accessible. maybe video just isnt going to do it. How about comic book format?

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Damn linux numptys! Get a proper OS! ;-)

The comic book idea is pretty cool, maybe see if the CAD or Penny Arcade people would do it? Long shot it know, but they seem to know there shit.

What about the guy who did the Superman comic? He's apparently a fan of the show

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I think phpBB should be modified so that every new member has to see a 20 second flash/quicktime/txt thing welcoming them to the forums, and going over a VERY basic do's and don't. If it were done with those awesome Hak5 SouthPark characters with maybe a little jingle, and was somewhat comical it might just do the trick. Wess and I would be more than happy to provide voicework.

That said, I havent touched Macromedia Flash since version 5 so.... Um... What's this newfangled MX stuff? ;)

Prime example of tech flash used right:



mml, i would sign up again just to see that.

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