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Detecting a Router's changed IP address


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Just curious,

but does anybody know if it's possible to determine a changed router's local IP address?

Meaning the default IP address, of say 192.XXX.XXX, was changed to a completely different value;

And, attempting to enter the router's default IP will no longer be possible.

Already tried ipconfig /all on cmd, it simply yielded the router's default IP. Sadfrog.

Any ideas would be great. Thanks! ;)​

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it depends, does your PC know the routers IP has changed?

My computer does, it has access to the router.

I'm simply wondering if its possible for those connected, via cable or wifi, on my connection to

determine my router's new IP, and access my settings using the default router's password. Thanks ;)

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You mean its external IP address?

If you've registered with some kind of dyndns service then they could use that. If not then it might be possible to fingerprint your external interface and if there is anything distinct check through your ISPs range to find you.

If they are on the same ISP then depending on how it works they might be on the same subnet so be able to find it by MAC address.

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Have to understand NAT. Internal LAN IP is different than external WAN IP. To get External WAN IP, visit ipchicken.com. If you want to keep access to your machine every time the external IP changes, then setup DynDNS on the router, and give it a domain name.

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  • 2 weeks later...

too find out attached devices to your router , you could always do an arp request ,
if you are using windows open your command prompt , and type arp -a

this will do a low level arp request for the devices on your internal network

you can then trace it by pairing the mac address on your device with the IP address.

you are probly best doing this with a wired connection

I hope this helps

I may of misunderstood the question though if you are talking external network then digip's got it down , but i hope my solution is helpfull anyhoo :)

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If you mean from your internal network. Then yes. Mostly your default gw will be the ip of your router. Its just the way networking works.

and as always I missed the obvious :D

I was explaining the prolonged route of finding the IP address.

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