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U600 Virgin Mobile USB Modem Configuration


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Hello people,

I am trying to get the lovely Franklin U600 (Virgin Mobile USA) connected to the fruit. It supports 4G WiMax as well, but I am trying to get the 3G lit first. The modem has been activated (CD-ROM files are on the modem storage).

When I run /pineapple/3g ./3g.sh script, i get the following:

00:01:47 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 107.370000] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
00:01:47 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 107.360000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
00:01:47 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 107.360000] USB Serial support registered for generic
00:01:47 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 107.350000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
00:01:44 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 104.310000] usbcore: deregistering interface driver usbserial
00:01:44 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 104.310000] USB Serial deregistering driver generic
00:01:44 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 104.300000] usbcore: deregistering interface driver usbserial_generic
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Looking for target devices ...
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Looking for default devices ...
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: No devices in default mode found. Nothing to do. Bye.
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Found devices in target mode or class (1)
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: found matching product ID
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: adding device
00:01:33 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Franklin Wireless U600 (Virgin Mobile) detected. Attempting mode switch
00:01:33 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 1d6b:0002 05e3:0608 0cf3:9271 0781:5530 1a40:0101 1fac:0150
00:01:31 Pineapple user.notice root: 3G: Connection Script here, searching for modems
00:01:31 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Searching for attached 3G Modems

I am using these settings to activate the modem

echo $MODEM

case "$MODEM" in

*1fac:0150* | *1fac:0151*) echo "Franklin Wireless U600 (Virgin Mobile) detected. Attempting mode switch"
        uci delete network.wan2
        uci set network.wan2=interface
        uci set network.wan2.ifname=ppp0
        uci set network.wan2.proto=3g
        uci set network.wan2.service=cdma
        uci set network.wan2.device=/dev/ttyUSB0
        uci set network.wan2.apn=ggsnint.nexteldata.com
        uci set network.wan2.username=xxxxxxx@modem.vmobl.com
        uci set network.wan2.password=
        uci set network.wan2.defaultroute=1
        uci set network.wan2.ppp_redial=persist
        uci set network.wan2.peerdns=0
        uci set network.wan2.dns=
        uci set network.wan2.keepalive=1
        uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=debug
        uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=noauth
        uci commit network
        usb_modeswitch -v 1fac -p 5031 -V 1fac -P 0150 -M 555342431234567824000000800108df200000000000000000000000000000 -n 1 -s 20
        sleep 10; rmmod usbserial
        sleep 3; insmod usbserial vendor=0x1fac product=0x0150
        sleep 5; /etc/init.d/firewall disable; /etc/init.d/firewall stop
        logger "3G: firewall stopped"
        iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o 3g-wan2 -j MASQUERADE
        iptables -A FORWARD -s -o 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT
        iptables -A FORWARD -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT


When I execute lsusb, the modem name still doesnt appear. When I execute ls /dev/ttyUSB*

I keep getting ls: /dev/ttyUSB*: No such file or directory
...and of course I do not see 3g-wan2
I did replace references of 1fac:0150 to 1fac:0151 to get the mode switch to fire.
Not sure what to do next, please hak ppl help!
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I hear ya pimmpinit, I'm on week 2. I never dealt with serial components on *nix

The APN I got from your post, username I got after I activated the modem on windows (see screenshot), the password I have no idea... I am guessing it is null value.

I hope someone familiar with installing generic usb modem drivers can steer us as in the right direction cu I'm totally taking shots in the dark here.

Edited by headros
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I made a little progress. While browsing this directory /etc/usb_modeswitch.d I noticed a bunch of files with product IDs, I saw one for franklin fac:xxx and copied it and named it to 1fac:0150

Inside 1fac:0150 i added this

# Franklin Wireless U600

DefaultVendor= 0x1fac

TargetVendor=  0x1fac
TargetProduct= 0x0151


.3g script is

*1fac:0150* | *1fac:0151*) echo "Franklin Wireless U600 (Virgin Mobile) detected. Attempting mode switch"
        uci delete network.wan2
uci set network.wan2=interface
uci set network.wan2.ifname=ppp0
uci set network.wan2.proto=3g
uci set network.wan2.service=cdma
uci set network.wan2.device=/dev/ttyUSB0
uci set network.wan2.username=internet
uci set network.wan2.password=internet
uci set network.wan2.defaultroute=1
uci set network.wan2.ppp_redial=persist
uci set network.wan2.peerdns=0
uci set network.wan2.dns=
uci set network.wan2.keepalive=1
uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=debug
uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=noauth
        uci commit network
       usb_modeswitch -v 1fac -p 5031 -V 1fac -P 0150 -M 555342431234567824000000800108df200000000000000000000000000000 -n 1 -s 20
        sleep 10; rmmod usbserial
        sleep 3; insmod usbserial vendor=0x1fac product=0x0150
        sleep 5; /etc/init.d/firewall disable; /etc/init.d/firewall stop
        logger "3G: firewall stopped"
        iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o 3g-wan2 -j MASQUERADE
        iptables -A FORWARD -s -o 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT
        iptables -A FORWARD -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT


Then I rebooted. Now my log reads like this:

00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.850000] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.840000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.830000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.830000] USB Serial support registered for generic
00:01:46 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 106.790000] usbcore: deregistering interface driver usbserial
00:01:46 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 106.790000] USB Serial deregistering driver generic
00:01:46 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 106.780000] usbcore: deregistering interface driver usbserial_generic
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Looking for target devices ...
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Looking for default devices ...
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Franklin Wireless U600 (Virgin Mobile) detected. Attempting mode switch
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 1d6b:0002 05e3:0608 0cf3:9271 0781:5530 1a40:0101 1fac:0151
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: No devices in target mode or class found
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: No devices in default mode found. Nothing to do. Bye.
00:01:34 Pineapple user.notice root: 3G: Connection Script here, searching for modems
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Searching for attached 3G Modems
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: No lease, failing
00:01:31 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Sending discover...
00:01:28 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Sending discover...
00:01:25 Pineapple user.info sysinit: udhcpc (v1.19.4) started
00:01:25 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Sending discover...
00:01:25 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Selected interface 'wlan0'
00:01:25 Pineapple user.info sysinit: OK
00:01:24 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 84.650000] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered forwarding state
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.5: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.4: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.3: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.2: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.1: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.0: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?

But lsusb still shows

Bus 001 Device 007: ID 1fac:0151

Edited by headros
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Another Update,

In the .3g script i posted above i notice my device was 151, not 150, So I used this

*1fac:0150* | *1fac:0151*) echo "Franklin Wireless U600 (Virgin Mobile) detected. Attempting mode switch"
        uci delete network.wan2
uci set network.wan2=interface
uci set network.wan2.ifname=ppp0
uci set network.wan2.proto=3g
uci set network.wan2.service=cdma
uci set network.wan2.device=/dev/ttyUSB0
uci set network.wan2.username=internet
uci set network.wan2.password=internet
uci set network.wan2.defaultroute=1
uci set network.wan2.ppp_redial=persist
uci set network.wan2.peerdns=0
uci set network.wan2.dns=
uci set network.wan2.keepalive=1
uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=debug
uci set network.wan2.pppd_options=noauth
        uci commit network
      ##usb_modeswitch -v 1410 -p 5031 -V 1410 -P 6002 -M 5553424312345678000000000000061b000000020000000000000000000000 -n 1 -s 20
       usb_modeswitch -v 1fac -p 5031 -V 1fac -P 0151 -M 555342431234567824000000800108df200000000000000000000000000000 -n 1 -s 20
        sleep 10; rmmod usbserial
        sleep 3; insmod usbserial vendor=0x1fac product=0x0151
        sleep 5; /etc/init.d/firewall disable; /etc/init.d/firewall stop
        logger "3G: firewall stopped"
        iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o 3g-wan2 -j MASQUERADE
        iptables -A FORWARD -s -o 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT
        iptables -A FORWARD -d -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -i 3g-wan2 -j ACCEPT


Then I rebooted. I noticed the 3G lites where now solid and blinking as if there as activity. Then I went to the log and now I am issuing commands,

00:01:54 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: send (^M)
00:01:54 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: CONNECT
00:01:54 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: ATDT#777^M^M
00:01:54 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: -- got it
00:01:54 Pineapple daemon.notice pppd[2511]: Connect: 3g-wan2 <--> /dev/ttyUSB0
00:01:54 Pineapple daemon.info pppd[2511]: Using interface 3g-wan2
00:01:54 Pineapple daemon.info pppd[2511]: Serial connection established.
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: timeout set to 30 seconds
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: timeout set to 10 seconds
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: send (AT^M)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: send (ATZ^M)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: send (ATDT#777^M)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: report (CONNECT)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: expect (OK)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: expect (OK)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: expect (CONNECT)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: abort on (NO DIAL TONE)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: abort on (ERROR)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: abort on (DELAYED)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: abort on (BUSY)
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: ^M
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: ^M
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: OK
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: OK
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: AT^M^M
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: ATZ^M^M
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: -- got it
00:01:51 Pineapple local2.info chat[2535]: -- got it
00:01:50 Pineapple daemon.notice pppd[2511]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 109.740000] usbserial_generic: probe of 1-1.3.2:1.0 failed with error -5
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.780000] usbserial_generic 1-1.3.2:1.4: generic converter detected
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.770000] usbserial_generic 1-1.3.2:1.3: generic converter detected
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.770000] usb 1-1.3.2: generic converter now attached to ttyUSB2
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.760000] usb 1-1.3.2: generic converter now attached to ttyUSB1
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.750000] usbserial_generic 1-1.3.2:1.2: generic converter detected
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.750000] usb 1-1.3.2: generic converter now attached to ttyUSB0
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.740000] usbserial_generic 1-1.3.2:1.1: generic converter detected
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.720000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 109.720000] USB Serial support registered for generic
00:01:49 Pineapple kern.err kernel: [ 109.730000] usbserial_generic 1-1.3.2:1.0: Generic device with no bulk out, not allowed.
00:01:46 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 106.680000] usbcore: deregistering interface driver usbserial
00:01:46 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 106.680000] USB Serial deregistering driver generic
00:01:46 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 106.670000] usbcore: deregistering interface driver usbserial_generic
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Looking for target devices ...
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Looking for default devices ...
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Franklin Wireless U600 (Virgin Mobile) detected. Attempting mode switch
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: 1d6b:0002 05e3:0608 0cf3:9271 0781:5530 1a40:0101 1fac:0151
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: No devices in default mode found. Nothing to do. Bye.
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Found devices in target mode or class (1)
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: found matching product ID
00:01:36 Pineapple user.info sysinit: adding device
00:01:34 Pineapple user.notice root: 3G: Connection Script here, searching for modems
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Searching for attached 3G Modems
00:01:34 Pineapple user.info sysinit: No lease, failing
00:01:31 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Sending discover...
00:01:28 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Sending discover...
00:01:25 Pineapple user.info sysinit: udhcpc (v1.19.4) started
00:01:25 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Sending discover...
00:01:25 Pineapple user.info sysinit: Selected interface 'wlan0'
00:01:25 Pineapple user.info sysinit: OK
00:01:24 Pineapple kern.info kernel: [ 84.460000] br-lan: port 3(wlan1) entered forwarding state
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.5: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.4: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.3: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.2: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.1: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?
00:01:23 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.3.2:1.0: Manufacturer=Franklin_Wireless_Corp. Product=U600_EVDO_Modem Serial=?

Now its time to see if I can pull some data (FINALLY!!!).

Edited by Mr-Protocol
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I connected a client to the wifi of the pineapple and hit some webpages. I noticed Interfaces-> 3g-wan2 rx and tx bytes increasing as I load webpages on the wifi client. I then went to see what IP the client had and it was the one issued by Virgin Mobile USA.

Everything is working perfect. I didnt even have to do anything with ICS or change the internet gateway. Firewall was already setup.

Next task, get the 4G WiMax lit up.

Edited by headros
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I keep getting this error.

00:02:23 Pineapple syslog.notice usb_modeswitch: switching device 1fac:0151 on 001/004
00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.670000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.660000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.650000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.640000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
00:02:23 Pineapple kern.warn kernel: [ 143.630000] usb 1-1.2: usbfs: interface 1 claimed by usbserial_generic while 'usb_modeswitch' sets config #2
00:02:22 Pineapple user.notice usb-modeswitch: 1-1.2:1.0: Switching seemingly failed


Edited by pimmpinit
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Pimminit, seems like the switching failed when checking #2 configuration. Did you add a 1fac:0150 config file in /etc/usb_modeswitch.d1 directory, then reboot?

If so, does line #2 in 1fac:0150 read:


ibrokeit - I didnt attempt 4G yet. Researching whether or Not the driver auto-switches 3G/4G .

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Pimminit, seems like the switching failed when checking #2 configuration. Did you add a 1fac:0150 config file in /etc/usb_modeswitch.d1 directory, then reboot?

If so, does line #2 in 1fac:0150 read:


With the script I have running now it connects 50% of the time. I'm not sure what you mean about adding a 1fac:0150 config file to the directory. Do I SSH and edit a file or something?

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OK, if you can connect and pull data, the driver must be reading your device. I noticed in the log my modem will disconnect occasionally, but it reconnects right away.

How strong the your signal in your location?

regarding your question abt the config file, what I did was:

SSH into /etc/usb_modeswitch.d directory. You will see some 1fac:xxxx files. Copy one of those files, edit it by clearing all contents and paste this in

# Franklin Wireless U600

DefaultVendor= 0x1fac

TargetVendor=  0x1fac
TargetProduct= 0x0151


Save as 1fac:0150 and upload to /etc/usb_modeswitch.d, then reboot.

Paste your log after a few disconnects here if your still having issues.

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