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Another bash quicky


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I use mythtv. I use e17. Neither of which have a very good system for quickly seeing what time it is. Solution: have a voice tell you what time it is by pressing Alt+T, and date by pressing Alt+D. Here's how:

copy this code to a file called time.sh:

case "$1" in


    date "+ %l %M %p" | sed -e "s/00//g" | sed -e 's/ 0/ oh /g' | sed -e 's/AM/a-m/g' > .temp



    date "+ %A, %B %dth" | sed "s/1th/1st/g" | sed "s/2th/2nd/g" | sed "s/3th/3rd/g" > .temp



    date "+ %A, %B %dth" | sed "s/1th/1st/g" | sed "s/2th/2nd/g" | sed "s/3th/3rd/g" > .temp

    date "+ %l %M %p" | sed -e 's/ 0/ oh /g' | sed -e 's/AM/a-m/g' >> .temp



cat .temp

flite .temp -o .temp.wav

aplay -t wav .temp.wav &>/dev/null

rm .temp

rm .temp.wav

Install the following: alsa-utils, flite.

You want to have aplay or play commands, along with flite.

Then add the appropiate lines to whatever keybinding configs you have for your window manager run "sh ~/time.sh time" and "sh ~/time.sh date" when you press Alt+T and Alt+D, respectively. Here's the lines for fluxbox:

Mod1 t :ExecCommand sh ~/time.sh time

Mod1 d :ExecCommand sh ~/time.sh date

Restart/Reload your window manager and turn up your properly alsa-configured speakers to test it out.

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I never did like the use of files for these types of tasks...

case "$1" in



    SPEECH=$SPEECH `date "+ %l %M %p" | sed -e "s/00//g" | sed -e 's/ 0/ oh /g' | sed -e 's/AM/a-m/g'`



    SPEECH=$SPEECH `date "+ %A, %B %dth" | sed "s/1th/1st/g" | sed "s/2th/2nd/g" | sed "s/3th/3rd/g"`



    SPEECH=$SPEECH `date "+ %A, %B %dth" | sed "s/1th/1st/g" | sed "s/2th/2nd/g" | sed "s/3th/3rd/g"`

    SPEECH=$SPEECH `date "+ %l %M %p" | sed -e 's/ 0/ oh /g' | sed -e 's/AM/a-m/g'`



echo $(SPEECH)

aoss flite -t $(SPEECH) play

WARNING: Untested script!

flite (which, I might add, is some truly shitty code. Not a comment in sight and fixed strings all over the place) only supports OSS. The aoss wrapping should enable playing in an ALSA environment. Remove if you're still using plain OSS.

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