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Hey All

I am having a problem with people calling from 'Microsoft' saying the Central server is saying my pc is sending out malicious files to other internet users. Problem is I use mac osx, normally I let them in my honeypot xp virtual machine and play around with them.

Normally I call teamviewer or logmein after and have their Hwid's banned.After a while I show them a screen shot showing proof that they are in a virtual machine. Normally they swear alot or tell me about president obama for some strange reason

Now I want to screw with them a little more. I have a raspberry pi which I want to use for a web proxy, could it be done so any request to the proxy over ethernet goes over wifi to the router?

Also is it possible this proxy can also be changed on the fly without having to restart it and also transparent so the scammer won't be able to see settings to do with the proxy in windows xp....

cheers all please can you help


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