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What good is a forum of discussion if threads get deleted?


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I'm all for locking threads when they seem to serve no purpose, but the opinions, replies, and discussions of many threads that lead to no where often contain gems of valid points of discussion. One such thread was made by an op, who only made ONE post - how to make a UDP port flooder. While his post was relatively useless, there were discussions going on of valid topics.

I understand the forums are not a democracy, and we don't have 100% right to free speech and all that, but completely removing a thread to me, is counter to what the forums stand for. The info and discussion was taking shape, with many valid points from others chiming in, and you get a few people who think the thread should be locked, fine, lock the thread, but DO NOT DELETE ENTIRE CONVERSATIONS.

There is much to be learned from conversations such as that thread, things that can lead to other thread topics, on a variety of things that were already being discussed in the thread. A mod should put a post in the bottom saying they are locking it, but LEAVE THREADS THERE FOR ARCHIVAL PURPOSES.

This is a forum, made for discussion, learning, and sharing opinions as well as facts. Removing any thread other than complete and utter spam, makes no sense to me. I've been asked a number of times if I want to be a forum mod from several people who are mods already, and always turned it down do to the fact that one, I don't have the time, and two, I hate the politics of control over free thinking and discussions, but if I were a mod, I would hope that decisions to remove any threads be given an up or down vote from ALL forum mods on what stays, and what goes, and a reason be given to forum members as to WHY, when something is removed. Don't like the thread, lock it, and then give a valid reason for why.

You can even leave the thread topic link and keep all posts, but at least give a reason for whole thread removals, if not locking them with an explanation. Just a common courtesy.

If anyone has a way to restore this thread, please do so - http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/25158-how-to-make-a-powerfull-udp-flooder/

Google's cache only goes back to December 28th. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:mcMth_8WSpkJ:forums.hak5.org/index.php%3F/topic/25158-how-to-make-a-powerfull-udp-flooder/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Edited by digip
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I heard from Mr. P that he was having some database issues with other threads - could this be another case of corrupted information?


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I heard from Mr. P that he was having some database issues with other threads - could this be another case of corrupted information?


If that truly is the case, valid point, but this sort of thing HAS happened in the past over the years. Database corruption, and backups restored, often wipe a lot of posts, but if this was the case, that thread was from 28 December 2011, so if we restored to PRIOR to that day, then we'd be missing 2 years worth of posts and threads, so I highly doubt this was a case of corrupted post as much as it was a complete thread removal.

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Maybe it was deleted for bad mouthing Anonymous. I hear some people are afraid of getting DDoS'd by them. Yet they aren't terrorists somehow. ;)

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The thread is still there. Can you all not see it?

Nope. At least, I can't see the thread, nor can I find it searching my own posts which were in that thread. I linked to the old thread link above, its gone.

You try -> http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/25158-how-to-make-a-powerfull-udp-flooder/

Sorry, we couldn't find that!


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I even signed out of the site, to see if I was banned from the thread or something.

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The thread itself is locked and I can access it just fine.

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The thread itself is locked and I can access it just fine.

Yes, thread is back now, but it WAS gone yesterday. Someone put it back, then locked it, but it was literally gone. both while logged on, logged off, from my IP and from my VPN. I wouldn't have made a ruckus if it weren't.

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Yes, thread is back now, but it WAS gone yesterday. Someone put it back, then locked it, but it was literally gone. both while logged on, logged off, from my IP and from my VPN. I wouldn't have made a ruckus if it weren't.

I wasn't online yesterday, so I can't really comment on it. But it's good to see the thread is backup again.

Nevertheless, the Hak5 forums have had technical problems in the past, so I don't think you are making any ruckus here, you are very much spot on.

Edited by Infiltrator
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Yes, thread is back now, but it WAS gone yesterday. Someone put it back, then locked it, but it was literally gone. both while logged on, logged off, from my IP and from my VPN. I wouldn't have made a ruckus if it weren't.

It wasn't "gone", just hidden to non-moderators/admins. The database error from that other thread a few days ago was fawkin gone lol. There was no way for me to bring that one back.

The thread in question to the flooder was just a simple misclick with the mobile version of the forums, nothing more.

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