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Range extender/repeater Alfa R36


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Hi guy`s

Just have a question some of you Gurus might be able to answer, I trying to set up a monitoring of a eagle nest here in Norway using my Go pro 3 with WiFi pack. the problem is that the signal is way to weak, So, i was wondering. is it possible to use the Alfa R36 as a Range extender/repeater to increase the signal. If so, have any of you a good way to make this a "Plug`n Play" setup. Also i see the power consumption on the Alfa R36 will give me a possibility to use solar panel power to keep it running. am i correct here?

I would really appreciate all inputs and feedback to make this the best real time monitoring as possible,

hope to hear from the forum

best regards


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Eagle nest monitoring is something I can totally get behind! According to amazon (the first hit on google: http://www.amazon.com/Alfa-R36-Repeater-Extender-AWUS036H/dp/B004ZF0I3U), you need to also pair this with a AWUS036H to make it an extender. So the wifi comes in on the 036H and goes back out on the R36. This can totally be done with solar/batts setup. The R36 is accepts a 12V input. What we do in my job is use 6V deep cycle marine batteries in series to make 12V (http://www.zbattery.com/Connecting-Batteries-in-Series-or-Parallel) as that is the best for longevity and AmpHour per dollar. As for what sized panel you'll need - add up the power usage of the R36 + 036H and consult an online solar panel calculator. Since you're in norway and its currently winter in the northern hemisphere, if the calc doesn't take location into consideration, go for an additional 30% in wattage. Hell, add 50% for good measure and be sure to point the panel south.

In return for this wealth of knowledge (I deal with solar/batts on a daily basis for my job) I'll except a link to the eagle monitoring webcam :D


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Thank you telot. I can always count on a good answer from you, :-) I will start the Build as soon as i have the parts at hand, and off course post a link if the monitoring is a success. Again thank you for the quick reply

best regards


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My pleasure Thetra - good luck!

Pwnd2Pwnr: I'd guess its also compatible with alfa's other routes (the NHA for example), but the 036H is what they recommend and is what is apparently most supported.


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