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Does anyone know if there are any benefits for wifi radio/gear if you have a general ham operator license? Can I legally use higher dbm wifi radios or anything like that?

I've heard that I can send packets through ham bands, but the FCC doesn't like encryption so that's a bit of a bummer.

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I'm going to piggy back on this forum and ask if anyone has any good resources for learning the material for getting a Technician license? I've heard of qrz.com. Anyone know of anything else?

I just went in and got both my technicians and general license the same day.


There's a link to a manual that will teach you every single thing you need to know. "No-Nonsense", everything you need to know and nothing you don't. It's a bit lengthy, but if you're serious about getting the license you will want to read every last paragraph to ensure you pass and have a good understanding.


There's a link to the actual exam they give you. You will be able to test your knowledge by taking the practice test (which is the same as the real test), but it isn't all the same questions so the best thing to do is take the practice about 10 times to make sure that you're well rounded and ready for each question.

Getting the license is really easy, just study the manual and study the questions.

If you don't know, you can go here to see when and where you can go to take the exam/get your license. http://www.arrl.org/find-an-amateur-radio-license-exam-session

Good luck!

Edited by Sheepthief
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