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[Info] Rubber Ducky on iOS Device with USB Adapter


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Hey, so I grabbed my Rubber Ducky and iPhone 30 pin to USB adapter, opened notes, plugged in Rubber Ducky. And I see error 'Cannot Use Device - The connected USB device is not supported.' although upon saying OK to do see keys being send to the notes via this Rubber Ducky HID device. So now to play with some payloads on iOS maybe?

Also on another note id like to place this Rubber Ducky on a Blackberry... Any ideas? No go at first glance and something about blackberries using Master USB keyboards versus Slave. Anyone?

Thanks and Have FUN,


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I've been experimenting with HID emulation on iOS (I have a Teensy board, not a Ducky) and have found that the problems may be more to do with the adapters themselves. There are lots of unofficial adapters not licensed by apple.

Has anyone tried the official Apple adapter on their iPad?

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I've been experimenting with HID emulation on iOS (I have a Teensy board, not a Ducky) and have found that the problems may be more to do with the adapters themselves. There are lots of unofficial adapters not licensed by apple.

Has anyone tried the official Apple adapter on their iPad?

I tried out the ducky with the official USB to 30 pin adapter and it gives the same error, but does work if you dismiss it. If you put a DELAY 2000 at the beginning of the script it gives enough time for you to dismiss the error and have the rest of the script execute.

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An HID (from the Teensy I believe) is how that security firm brute forced the iPhone 4's 4-digit lockscreen in "11 I believe.

Edited by xadam.xk
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iPhones will not work with any HID device because they are not supported at all (you cannot even buy Apple ones for them!)

iPads do work, as long as you have a half-decent adapter. There's been people saying that cheaper knock-off ones don't work very well.

I don't have an iPad Mini, so cannot say - but I'd be interested to hear if anyone does have one.

The full documentation for Keyboard shortcuts on iOS is here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/xcode_help-command_shortcuts/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010560

In case you aren't sure,

Command Key == Windows Key (GUI key)

Option Key == Alt Key

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