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portable cain?


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i love to use cain when i forget my password on some sites cause well.... im an idiot but thats all i use it for is there anyway i can install it on on a flash or thumb drive? so i dont have to keep haveing to download it then install it then uninstal?

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duh huh. o wait, i meant to say i leave the install file right next to it and install it before launchin cain.

Sorry for confuzling people

ok well how about this is there any password cracker i can put on my flash drive?

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cain :D

:lol: Brilliant!

Now kid, the reason I only said "Yes" was simply because if you put the words "cain able flash drive" into google, you get all the info you need. If that's too far of a stretch to figure out for yourself, you have no business running the program in question.

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ok well how about this is there any password cracker i can put on my flash drive?

If ur only gonna use it for pass cracking then if uve got the size, get ur hands on a small rainbow table (running the crap outta ur portible but works)

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Well, to be fair, I've used similar techniques aswell. You create a throwaway account for something, basically slam your hand on the keyboard for the password, and then later realise you need that password again.

You could go through the excruciating pain that is the 'free membership registration' page where they basically want you to tell them lies about yourself (if you fill those things out truthfully, you deserve to die a horrible and painful death that involves paper cuts and videos of the OJ Simpson trial), or you figure out what you filled out initially by simply logging in and capturing the traffic of this login process.

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