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Meraki MR12


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So I got my free meraki AP yesterday, and don't really have a use for it as is(free is free right?). I was planning on repurposing it as either a makeshift pineapple or a VPN appliance. The only information I have been able to find is on the meraki mini. Which in no way resembles the MR12. Does anyone out there have any information or suggestions that would help?

The only ports this hang has are 2 RJ45(10/100/1000/PoE/uplink, and a 10/100) and a power port. It looks like it's held closed by 2 security screws and probably some clips from the inside. I read in the cheesy pamphlet that came with it that it updates quarterly via SSL. I can post some pictures of it if anyone would like...

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That may be difficult, it gets everything through their website, that's why if you hook it up without a connection all of your settings are just gone. At least that's how mine is set up, you may be able to mod it though.

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That may be difficult, it gets everything through their website, that's why if you hook it up without a connection all of your settings are just gone. At least that's how mine is set up, you may be able to mod it though.

So far the only thing I have found on it that is remotely vulnerable is dnsmasq-2.47, and I haven't even been able to exploit that. I'm wondering if there would be a way to spoof a meraki server and ssl cert, maybe ARP spoof and ettercap over wired network?

Have you tried opening yours up yet? I read on a ddwrt forum that someone found pictures of the internals on the FCC website, but when I search the FCC ID nothing comes up.

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As it is it gets the job done when throwing it off of a switch with PfSense as the gateway. The setup is definitely better than the boxes that comcast gives you by default... lol. I guess for about 30 minutes of my time and a phone call it's great, but all the greatness in the world wont stop my Desktops wireless card from sucking so I just went cable with that, it's a gaming PC anyways. :) The only downside I suppose would be the fact that you can't do much locally, sure there's a landing page for basic diagnostics but if your gateway goes down and the power cycles... well... you have an open access point, so that's a bit of an issue I suppose, though at least your devices wont autoconnect to it so you aren't exactly vulnerable right off the bat, but I'm pretty sure they can still access your gateway so that's a downside. Still, can't complain with free!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just signed up for the webinar :) Thanks for the heads up on the freebie router!


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Telot, it really is a great little device, especially for free.

I just wrote up another post that I'll link to from here explaining some issues I had with a previous router running DD-WRT and why I ultimately went to a PFsense with Meraki setup.


Definitely let me know if you have any questions.

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Ha! I just hit your other post first. Thanks very much for the offer Matt. After watching their webinar, I'm considering getting a couple test units from them and if they work out, probably buying a dozen or so for work. I had no idea they even existed until a couple days ago - now that they're on their way to being bought out (and have record growth, 10k customers) I'm tempted to take them seriously. Free ap for my house is also a very nice bonus.

Anyone checkout their Air Marshal service? I'm curious how it "contains" rogue APs. Do they just aireplay -0 them?


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I haven't had a use for the airmarshal service yet, but after deploying them to a small hotel earlier in the year, the entire product line really is something to behold.

I deployed 10 initially, and through monitoring usage and the deployment, opted to throw 2 more into a dead zone that was being detected.

Coupled with their free device management platform for mobile devices, and having everything running from a single console is pretty awesome.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I do some IT work for a non-profit in Boston www.aac.org. We run multiple locations with ony one full time IT staffer and recently got a free MR12 through a Meraki webinar and it is working out great for us.

If you have a Meraki device that you do not need (they are indeed unhackable as far as I know) I will be happy to accept it as a donation and provide you with a donation letter for the full value of the unit. We are trying to replace our motley collection of consumer grade access points.



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