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Unblock android phone and recover data


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Hello everyone

I want to say first i am a big fan of HAK5 and i want to apologize for my english (i m french)

So, i have a friend with a Lg Optimus phone block after tries to find the scheme to unlock the phone and spy messages, calls.. by his wife

He asks me if i can unblock it, but he has created a google account when he bought the phone and did not remember it.

Is there a way to get the data or find the email account with the phone number or something else? We have all proofs that he is the phone owner...

Thanks for your help

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Usually, Google in particular, has a really easy recovery process. Did he register AND validate his email by another email account or a phone call?

Also, I am not sure if I understanding you fully; my apologies... but what do you mean by "block". Are you saying that it is password protected?

Answer: Google Cosplay and buy an OTG wire. *.Assuming you have 100 % ownership.*

If it is not password protected, and it is being "monitored"... then that is a totally different story. That would violate laws in certain places in the world; but there are tons of monitoring programs anyhow...

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If the phone has "USB debugging" enabled then you can use ADB to do pretty much whatever you want to the phone. If debugging isn't on I'm not really sure what your options are. If his wife turns her head without locking her phone it takes about 5 seconds to turn on debugging, then just delete gestures.key(not sure off the top of my head where it's located). Also try googling the command "adb backup"

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yeah the OP left me a little confused as well. i'm not sure what youre asking to do exactly, and who needs help doing what. all i really got was that you have a marrid3 friend that has a blocked lg phone that he purchased and that his wife uses and he wants to check up on that little teamps activties.

it sounds like she has some type of screen lock password/pin/guesture set on it and he just wants to be able and look at the gppds on thr device. but cant.

anyways, maybe you can be a little more specific and claify exactly what you need.

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Thanks for your answer

My friend just create a google account. He doesn't set a secondary mail or whatever and never connect to this account with a desktop

I send you an image to show you how the phone is "blocked"


The text say : "Too much tries..."

The phone isn't in debug mode, it's a neophyte user of his phone :(

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OK... if you can somehow have his wife enable debugging... then you have a chance. You need to enable debugging. It sounds to me his wife caught him cheating... lol. She is really pissed!

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It looks like you're at the point of no return from the picture. I don't think you can wipe the pattern lock once you have gotten to that screen. You're going to need gmail credentials...


Thanks for your answer

My friend just create a google account. He doesn't set a secondary mail or whatever and never connect to this account with a desktop

I send you an image to show you how the phone is "blocked"


The text say : "Too much tries..."

The phone isn't in debug mode, it's a neophyte user of his phone :(

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  • 11 months later...
  • 7 months later...
In fact, recently, I have also encountered this similar phone data loss problem and learned a lot by reading many threads and articles.

In fact, my phone is just formatted by my brother and all wanted data is gone. However, fortunately, I have found a useful tutorial that tells about how to rescue data back from memory card:

It is really useful for me and helps me restore all my precious photos with Android Data Recovery .

So, it may give you some clues, too.

You should learn to make data back all time, just like me.

Edited by yanthal
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