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online pentest lab

Skorpinok Rover

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You know, I'm in the same boat about now. I know some people, that have downloadable vulnerable apps and such, if you have the HDD space and Virtual machines software. I just have to get a hold of them. I need to start practicing myself. One of the things you can check out now though, are things from OWASP - http://www.owasp.com/index.php/Category:OWASP_Download and Mutillidae http://sourceforge.net/projects/mutillidae/

Hit up https://twitter.com/bwallhatestwits and https://twitter.com/g0tmi1k on twitter though, and they can send you some links from people that have hackmes and other stuff for practicing against. I don't have the links handy.

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Thank you Digip, i have 750 GB of HDD, core i7, 8GB Ram.What about complete Vulnerable O.S like kioptrix, de-ice, ultimate lamp, which one you recommend ? i havent used them yet.

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I've never tried any of them. For the most part, I've just installed windows XP in VM's and attacked them in the past, but I want to get more into web app hacking and vulnerabilities in things like CMS packages, SQLi, etc. I just need to devote time to it, which is easier said than done. This is more hobby for me than work, and between family, kids and real work, I barely have time to tinker with things any more.

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