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Facebook New Contract Administrator says "Trust us" in interview.


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I was watching MSN and came across a business video on my xbox that was doing an expose about FB buying Instagram. While I watched the corporate snakes boast their normal rhetoric; a phrase was spoken on behalf of the "New Business and Contract Administrator" (some guy in a suit that makes business arrangements). He stated, QUOTE "People should continue to trust us..."!

My mind froze, I felt a large lump assume itself deep inside my stomach. "Did he just insinuate they are trust worthy?". As I nearly started heaving; I thought to myself... I am probably alone on my feelings about my security; but how many people do trust Facebook?

Yes or No, do you trust Facebook?

I can't find the same video... but this about sums up the trust as far as I am concerned.


EDIT: What is next? FB buys LexisNexis?

Edited by Pwnd2Pwnr
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We should create a facebook page, called "facecrooks" or "wehatefacebook", and try to get a million likes.

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OK... just started Facehook... spelt Fiace Hook... go ahead and sign up... I will give the password up to anyone whom wants to help! One million likes for insecurity!

Edited by Pwnd2Pwnr
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oops... lol... take it over if you would like. I am not all that familiar with Facebook; honestly, I do not have time to keep with it... OPEN SOURCE... BABY! Just make sure there are some shouts to Digip; he came up with it...

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Quit FB a fews years ago and would never go back. The sheep and Lemmings will always follow and believe a suite in disguise. On the flip side look at all the jobs FB provides to the Fusion Centers and Government Agencies, people reading countless posts about how some user got trashed on Friday night or what they purchased at the grocery store. Likes, Farm games, writing on someone's wall, it's really too bad Mike Judge didn't have all the characters in the movie idiocracy using FB.

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Right now I'm trying to help someone who deleted their FB, then had someone create a new account as them, and are actually defaming the person by impersonating them on FB and spreading false information. The worst part is I can't report the fake account unless the real person makes a new FB account! Needless to say, FB is less than helpful in this situation.

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Thing is, when you close a FB account, you can reopen the same account and reclaim it. You just have to try logging into the old account, and if it say password is wrong, use the password reset feature, then if it doesn't come to you, you then contact facebook and tell them you can't log on to your old account and give them all your old logon info, and say it seems to have been hijacked, then they will either close the page or give you access back to the account. Nothing on facebook, ever truly goes away. You close your page, its still there. My wife has done this before, closed a page, weeks later, logged back in, "Welcome back...." and you're up and running. FB never truly deletes anything. They own the content, and your account, if you read carefully their policies. If need be, get a lawyer involved, file suit of defamation and reclaim the account.

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