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buying a new computer.


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Currently i am using a laptop to do things other then gaming....and the computer i use for gaming is good..but sadly it is going out of date, and since my parents use it...they won't let me replace it. I know...a mild amount of info on hardware...but more into software..witch is no problem. Can anyone give me any suggestions, or combos for a computer...as well if it's possible can you budget it under $1500.....dosen't have to be...but anything is appreciated.

Tower/Power - aluminum/500W

Mother board -

CPU - x64

RAM - 1gb

Monitor (optional) -

keyboard/mouse (optional) -

Video card -

Hard drive - 80+ gb

sound card (needed?) -

CD/DVD RW Drive -

cooling -

and anyhting i'm missing..thanks again.

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Get a Core 2 Duo with 2GB of ram and the latest Nvidia graphics that fits into your price range. Buy the biggest HD you can fit in your budget.

Personally, I wouldn't spend money on a SLI config, water cooling, flashing neons, case with a window or a physics card (just yet).

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Also, don't skimp on the power supply. Many people tend to do this, and get an unstable system in return of which they blame pretty much everything from OS to CPU, but fail to diagnose the real culprit.

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I don't know if RAID is all that useful for most people y'know...

It, theoriticly, halfs file read/write times, and the mirror is just to prevent from massive data loss. If you ar't afrade of data loss but want low load times, go for a hyperdrive, if you used a RAID card you could put that in a raid 1 configuration.

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wow u guys sure do like to reply fast on these forums :p....ok sooo 2GB of RAM...i may start with 1 jsut to lower my budget...and i jsut toke a tiny look at my account...and i dun quite have as much in there as i thought :( so i gotta lower budget to 1500 :( and any suggestions on mother boards...i know crap alll about mother boards.

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I tried at one point just to see what would happen. (old mobo with broken internal grphics and only PCI slots. DDR2 was obtained free and didnt work correctly anyways.)

Back to the story, the ram actually started somking. Using a hammer to put it in couldnt have helped

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ok SO....i'e been doing reasearch for this every so often for about a month now...and i think i got my list.....i am jsut not sure if everything is capatible with everythign else...or if i am missing anything...i don't need a monitor, or kb/mouse. But if you guys do have any spare time on your hands..jsut glance over the sites...their all from the same location, cause it's right by me, but i gathered my own info to base my choice off of from other sites. so here it is..have fun!! :)

tweak it to your heats content.

Computer parts

Case/power - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...ail&id=8937

Mother Board - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=11281

DVD-ROM - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...tail&id=230

DVD R/RW - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=10611

CPU - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=10766

Hard Drive - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...ail&id=8255

Memory - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=10080

Video Card - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=11244

Computer Prices

Case/Power – 127.99

Motherboard – 114.99

DVD-ROM – 27.99

DVD R/RW – 36.99

CPU – 132.99

Hard drive – 85.99

Memory – 139.99

Video card – 124.99

TOTAL: 791.92

Total + tax: 910.70

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I really have no idea why your buying an AMD system at this stage. In every respect the Core 2 Duo whipes the floor with the current batch of AMD chips, including the top end FX systems. And will do until the K8L based stuff is out the door, maybe even after that. Its simply more bang for your (limited) buck.

Aside from that everything you've picked out looks kosher. Not sure if gamer edition ram is actually worth the premium though. It might be faster on paper, but in real life the difference is probally negligable. Consider 2GB of regular ram maybe? It will do more. As for a soundcard, go with poyboy's suggestion.

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Its not bad RAM now that I look at it again. Its just that they can probally charge more by saying "its made for gamers" rather than "its some ram matey". I know the core 2 duo thing is more, but its going to be a tad more future proof than the AM2 system.

edit <read you comment about the ram, go for it.>

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Thanks for the help.

here is the new list

Computer parts

Case/power - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...ail&id=8937

Mother Board - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=11281

DVD-ROM - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...tail&id=230

DVD R/RW - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=10611

CPU - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=11071

Hard Drive - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...ail&id=8255

Memory - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=10080

Video Card - http://www.logiccomputerhouse.com/site/mai...il&id=11244

Computer Prices

Case/Power – 127.99

Motherboard – 114.99

DVD-ROM – 27.99

DVD R/RW – 36.99

CPU – 282.99

Hard drive – 85.99

Memory – 139.99

Video card – 124.99

TOTAL: 914.92

Total + tax: 1,052.16

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