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How Do I Use The Wifi Pineapple? ><


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I've read the booklet and have interent sharing setup. I dont know what to do from here. I tested it out and no device connects to it. I'm really stuck. I have the pineapple plugged into the AC adpater and plugged into the ethernet port and im in the pineapple interface. Now what? I want to do MITM attacks and dns spoofing and stuff like that.

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Preface: only use against clients with prior notification and approval.

The pineapple usually only grabs clients who are attempting to connect to an open SSID. Try going to the airport or starbucks.

So basically your third sentence violates your first.... :rolleyes:

Edited by barry99705
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So basically your third sentence violates your first.... :rolleyes:

What I meant, and probably should have phrased it as, only run MITM attacks and DNS spoofing against notified, and with approval from, clients. Otherwise it's illegal. As for actually seeing the Pineapple perform its base function (having clients who connect to open SSID's connect to the Pineapple instead), go to a public place. He said he wasn't seeing anyone connect. That part isn't illegal.

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