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PSM Get A PS3!!!

Matt {Undead}

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can i recommend this link cos the above one doesn't work nice. also, recommend leaving javascript on, otherwise ugly things happen.

I actually hope the PS3 does well. It's not like sony is running low on money or anything like that, but if there is a 3 way war it will be more interesting, except for the fact that 2/3 of all platform games will be unavailable to consumers.

It seems that the PS3 is the only one of the 3 platforms with some nice specs. The Xbox360 and the wii kinda have some crappy powerpc chips. This has a hot chip, blu ray player and wireless (for the expensive one). If people settle for the cheaper boxes will developers change to bringing out less powerful gaming machines for cheaper prices?

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It seems that the PS3 is the only one of the 3 platforms with some nice specs. The Xbox360 and the wii kinda have some crappy powerpc chips.

Actually John Carmack has been quoted on saying that the 360 and the PS3 are almost the same in terms of power. You'll really not see any kind of significant difference between the look of their games. The Wii is less powerful yes, but that has the whole gameplay and affordable thing going for it.

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The PS3 is also a bitch to program for, where as the 360 allows more shortcuts. Everything on the PS3 has to be multi-threaded where as the 360 can be single threaded, and most game programmers aren't up to speed with multi-threaded programming yet. But at the end of the day, its not worth shouting about how crap the other consoles are compared to your choice. Its all about the games you want to play.

/me wonders why he argues about consoles, he doesn't even own a tv set...

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A lot of people have lost faith in Sony for a variety of good reasons...

Some of which are listed below:

The rootkit DRM desaster

PS3 anounced to be delayed

Rumors of Sony manurfactured laptop battaries bursting in to flames

Another anouncment of the PS3 been delayed

Confermation that Sony manurfactured laptop battaries are bursting in to flames

Dell recalls lots of laptop battries

PS3 anouncment of further delayes

Several other companies recall sony manurfactured battaries

Anouncment that only 500,000 PS3 will be avalable in the whole world on launch date

PS3 anounced to be further delayed

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The 360 had the overheating power brick, which I might add, gave new validation to the term powerbrick. The thing is gargantuan. You know, I've always liked that word..."gargantuan"... So rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence.

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