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MAC Randomizer


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Hey all. I'm on a lot of open wireless networks where I really want to randomize my MAC because .... well, you get the idea.

Anyway, It's really annoying to have to do it everytime, so I wrote a little python script that will do it for you! I threw it in my startup, but it works just as well when run manually. Please note that at this time it only works for linux. I'll throw together a windows version sometime I'm in windows.


# mac_spoof.py - Randomizes wireless MAC Address

# Hacked together for your pleasure by a5an0

# So far it only works on Linux. Windows version (maybe) coming soon

import os, random

mac = "00" # MAC Addressed typically start with 00. Looks more legit


# This next part should be apparent. Fills in the mac with random hex

while (i<5):

    mac = mac + ":" + str(hex(random.randint(0,15))[2:])

    mac = mac + str(hex(random.randint(0,15))[2:])    

    i = i+1

changer = "sudo ifconfig eth1 hw ether " + str(mac)

# Stops network services, assigns new mac, restarts networking

os.system("sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop") # You may need to change this.


os.system("sudo /etc/init.d/networking start")

Oh, also, if your disto's networking scripts are somewhere other than /etc/init.d, then you'll have to change the appropriate lines. I hope you all get some use out of this. Comments and suggestions are MORE THAN WELCOME!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Only a few problems with it

1. It's Python.

2. It assumes the user has sudo installed.

3. It's for Linux.

Dude, you know how to complain don't you

1: so what if it's python and not bash, most people will have python installed

2: see #1

3: Of course it's for Linux. You would have to be majorly retarded to write a MAC spoofer for Linux and for it to not work on Linux. What does that mean, that a piece of software has a problem with it because it works on Linux. AFAIK that's a feature not a problem

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Dude, you know how to complain don't you

1: so what if it's python and not bash, most people will have python installed

2: see #1

3: Of course it's for Linux. You would have to be majorly retarded to write a MAC spoofer for Linux and for it to not work on Linux. What does that mean, that a piece of software has a problem with it because it works on Linux. AFAIK that's a feature not a problem

I prefer programs with minimum dependancies. Rather than assume a user has sudo installed, which only Ubuntu and it's derivatives do, you could remove sudo and do 'sudo python ./blah.py", or "su" then run it.

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Thank you to whoever put this in the Wiki!

To address the sudo issue, if you dont have sudo installed, then you either run as root a lot (bad) or you dont do shit on your system. As for my choice in language, I love python, and the RNG does just what I need it for. It's pretty much a bash wrpaaer with random numbers.

What I did was I mad an icon for it, and then made a launcher on my desktop (gnome). All I have to do is click the icon, and I have a new mac. Its super useful in hotel lobbies.... :wink:

edit: That wasn't a flmae. I'm sorry if it sounded angry.

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