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White Spaces / Analog Signal Leftovers


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F*cking google.... But, that is what I love, though. Put your bottom dollar on someone cloning the tech (whistling while not making eye contact). But, I have been reading A LOT about this from a few other places, but this is being handled with clothes pins on their lips. There is literally next to nothing about how they plan on making this possible... too bad... we will have to wait until the information is there...

but it is coming... and coming har.... fast...

little adult humor

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Think about it though, with every new technology, comes trade offs on the business model to privacy ratio, so you bet your bottom dollar there will be back doors built into this for government and law enforcement by default. Wifi in general in inherently weak on privacy protection and security, so I can't imagine this being any safer, if anything probably a whole new can of worms to be opened and hacked in the short term before they get a grasp on securing it.

IPv6 for example, touted as being the savior of the internet, in and of itself, is weak and insecure, and puts your device on the internet with no more protection from NAT. You're pretty much online at all times, and unless you are doing something to manipulate and spoof your new IPv6 address, good luck keeping yourself hidden from attackers. IPv6 router advertisements anyone? "Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? anyone seen Bueller? crash...." It's not a bug, its a feature.

Edited by digip
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There is actually a mock auction being held by the FCC, selling census blocks for exactly what we are talking about... The idea of an analog signal bouncing me packets makes me, well, pretty damn excited... my grandpa and I used to goof off with his old HAM (he was a radio operator in WWII), and it amazed me, while being complex, it was so simple. If he were alive (he owned the first patent on a dialysis machine... JRF), I bet he wouldn't mind seeing how tech is nowadays.

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3.2 inch New Cell Phone WiFi Analog TV Dual SIM Touch Screen - Kamloops Phones, PDAs, iPods For Sale - Kijiji Kamloops Canada.

WTF? Not quite the same thing... but look at that... a phone that uses analog signals...

Edited by Pwnd2Pwnr
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