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Video Demo - "tango Mode" Proof Of Concept

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Two WiFi Pineapples at the same time. 3G, Deauth, Karma and TCPdump to USB!

- This will eventually become pretty and integrated in the firmware

- Currently using Ethernet from Pineapple1's PoE/LAN to Pineapple2's PoE/LAN

- Next up is PoE/LAN to LAN/WAN for multi-pineapple daily chaining

- It might be possible to do something similar with a MK3


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I'm thinking about doing the death and network sharing to my pineapple with a raspberry pi.... Although I believe Backtrack won't work on the Raspberry, Pwnpi will work :D

Once I get my raspberry (on back order) I will report back my findings :D

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Thank you for the video.

my thinking





any extra services

usb with swap


deauther/internet through internal wifi


usb with swap

I kinda view the first pineapple as the one to be the karma device and I thought leaving sslstrip as the only service on the 2nd


I was thinking that the pineapples should connect from poe to wan/lan, leaving pineapple2 the ability to share internet from it's poe and allowing a wired connection to manage tango mode.

Edited by petertfm
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Deauth + sslstrip = disaster , as the pineapple goes into limbo mode with 100% cpu utilization.

I think the carving would be on one, then the other would deauth only, from testing deauth with the status module, the less frequent it is between dauths the less the cpu is in 100%, why is it hogging the cpu so much?

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Alrigh so I am trying to tango mode since a while but it's just not working. I am connecting both Pineapple through PoE. Connecting one to the WAN than to my computer. Go to putty at and enable Darren command but this is not working.

And they are not sharing network.

Any idea?

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Well a little bit more about all that. Here is what I am doing step by step:

I am going on each pineapple one at a time. On the first one:

uci set network.lan.ipaddr=
uci commit network

Than on the second pineapple that will be the gateway I type:
uci set network.lan.gateway=
uci commit network

Than pineapple 1 =
Pineapple 2 =

But I have big difficulty sharing internet.

My setting = pineapple 1 + alfa + pineapple 2
So I am setting pineapple 1 wlan0 and alfa wlan1 to connect to my home wifi by client mode.

That's the only way I get a DHCP request, wlan0 alone can't get a DHCP request.

Then I go to ICS and I share wlan1 to br-lan and pineapple 2 AP get internet but no internet in the UI

Pineapple one:
POE / LAN Port:
USB 3G Modem:
WAN / LAN Port:
Public Internet: **1.**8.*4.**4

Pineapple two:

POE / LAN Port:
USB 3G Modem:
WAN / LAN Port:
Public Internet: Error Connecting

What am I doing wrong?


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I don't have a second Pineapple so I can't help you with tango mode, but currently 2.8.0 has a driver issue with internet connections through the external Alfa. You should check if you can connect to your router using just the first Pineapple and your Alfa. With mine i can connect to my router through internal and broadcast my AP through my Alfa but using the Alfa to connect to my router doesn't authenticate no matter what i do. Just my two cents...

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If you're unable to connect your Pineapple to the internet through your Alfa card without tango mode then it has nothing to do with tango. It's the driver issue. If that's the case then 2.7.7 should work for you because it works for me =]

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