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It Took Darpa $1,300 To Do What The Pineapple Can For $100

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Summary: The Power Pwn may look like a power strip, but it's actually a DARPA-funded hacking tool for launching remotely-activated Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Ethernet attacks. If you see one around the office, make sure to ask if it's supposed to be there.


Edited by Ted Summers
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that is intense. essentially a beefed up pineapple though, huh? I can't imagine someone knowledgeable enough to execute an attack worthy of this device actually paying for one. Wouldn't such a person 'roll their own'?

I'm curious; about how many pineapples MKIV's have been sold? Anyone?

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Don't get confused! as this is a pwn plug running a 1.2 Ghz processor with a full debian squeeze distro fitted inside a power strip.

With that said the pineapple can barely run sslstrip and tcpdump while deauthing without it crapping out.

Is it time to step up our game or stay with the MK4 ?

Edit : i can't wait for my raspberry pi order to come in so i can mix it in a blender and come out with the raspberry (pi)neapple shake hehe...

Edited by Molotof
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All those tools are pre-loaded, which isn't even needed. If I get this idea I have working up and running, there will be much more flexibility for pen-testing with the pineapple. Just need to get some live tests to see if this idea will work.

Can you share the idea or PM me the idea, maybe i can help testing or getting pieces together.

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Hey Guise! I'll sell you one REAL CHEAP! Check out the pix, its a pineapple + power strip! Only $999! Thats over $200 savings! Order now!



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Haha! Cut ya a deal for $19.99!


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I'll take 2 for $1200.

wtf is that sticking out of the usb port?

I'm seriously laughing aloud...

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Glad you guys enjoy my latest product offering :)

wtf is sticking out the usb port is my super talent pico usb stick. I had it laying around, its 16gb, so I've been using it for mass storage/swap space.



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Anyone take a look at the other products that they have on the site?? 500 bucks for a pwn plug??

Not exactly conducive for a pentest.

In relation to the pwerstrip, I once worked in an establishment where we installed nice new mini UPS systems with surge protectors for the front office, about the same size as the one above. The aim was to allow the systems in the front a graceful shutdown. One stormy night, and the whole system in the front went down, and one of the machines fried. When we went to look, someone swapped out the UPS with a cheapo socket and took it home, presumably for their rig at home.

I'm still surprised that no-one has done anymore research into the Pogoplug/Svarkast idea from Irongeek. The only problem I see is the pitiful 256mb ram. I can get Debian squeeze working well, but metasploit brings the whole thing to a crawl. I personally cant see the Raspberry pi faring much better. Perhaps the apc barebones model (apc.io), with 512mb ram might be a faster option and will cost around 35 bucks.

Any ideas

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I'm still surprised that no-one has done anymore research into the Pogoplug/Svarkast idea from Irongeek. The only problem I see is the pitiful 256mb ram. I can get Debian squeeze working well, but metasploit brings the whole thing to a crawl. I personally cant see the Raspberry pi faring much better. Perhaps the apc barebones model (apc.io), with 512mb ram might be a faster option and will cost around 35 bucks.

Any ideas

Who says you need to have it on the Raspberry Pi? Just use it as a pivot point that connects back to your VPS running metasploit. Basically the same thing as infecting one computer and pivoting off that to the rest of the network.

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