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Aircrack-Ngui - Graphical Interface To Aircrack-Ng, Dsniff, Nmap And More!

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For the full tour of the application, please view http://www.elithecomputerguy.com/ETCGCommunity/index.php?do=/forum/thread/65/aircrack-ngui/. Mods, I am not redirecting to another site for any ad purposes. Merely because you have an image limit.

So, the abridged version. My program is a graphical interface to Aircrack-NG, dsniff, and nmap (at least the main part). If you go to "Other Tools", it includes other network/computer security tools that you can use (including Wireshark, MAC Changer, BURP Suite, TOR Network). My overall goal of the application is to be a "swiss army knife" for those learning network security and network professionals alike. Let me know if you can help develop, run quality control, or beta test. It's currently up on BitBucket and you can get the link from http://aircrackngui.blogspot.com.

Also, let me know what you think. Good idea, bad idea, done too often, doesn't compete with other suites like it?

Thank you for your time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I'm interested by this soft and maybe I could help with its developpement after I'm familiar with it. So I'm gonna go get a copy right.

Not to promote or anything, I'm saying this just because of the similarity between our projects, but I made a script to help dealing with the aircraft-ng suite started to add some other fun stuff, I called it WIFI-CRACKER and it's also up for download on this forum, I'd like for you to tell me what you think about it and I'm gonna do the same with your project. ;)

PS : you should add reaver for WPA and WPA2 cracking (works only if WPS is on and it usually is) because dictionary aren't always that good

Edited by root920
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, what are the odds! Hehehe. Keep in mind that while yours does the same thing as mine, that they are quite different. Yours is a scripting shortcut, mine is a graphical interface. Not to mention, mine does more than WiFi cracking. It provides shortcuts for a plethora of programs, even outside the aircrack-ng, dsniff, and nmap suites.

I will check out your script when I finish version 1.0 of NGUI.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gonna check this out when I get home today. Can't download it at work - they flag me for this kind of stuff.

Hey, no worries! Thanks for trying out NGUI. It's free to use and contribute to. My only request is to give feedback so I can continue to improve it. I'm actively updating it, which you can find on my blog at http://aircrackngui.blogspot.com. Happy hacking!

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If no one reinvented the wheel, we'd still be using some 300 lb. stone wheel from pyramid country. I haven't done it myself, but I think it'd be pretty practical to write a WPS brute forcing application. If you're interested, check out wifite-ng scripts, it has it's own open-source WPS brute forcing code that could give you ideas.

Edited by bobbyb1980
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I never said make it better, but I'm sure it could be. I was encouraging him to write his own code instead of putting a few buttons on other people's code.

While I appreciate the encouragement, I'm not even close to ready to writing my own new hacking tools yet. Aircrack-NGUI is a learning experience for me on discovering existing tools and finding a way to make them easier to use for other people (not having to remember tack options, copying information between programs for you, etc.). The overall goal I have for NGUI is faster. I'm not going for new, I'm going for fast. I see so many people mixing up tack options (like aireplay-ng where if you have "-0 1" it's a single de-authentication packet but "-1 0" is a fake authentication attack with 0 re-association time) and incorrectly copying information where having a program to remember them for you and you provide the information would be at least twice as fast. In a live environment, every second counts.

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Can you make a WPS brute force application from scratch? No, most programmers who don't design routers probably cannot, but you can look at concepts in existing code and redesign it. By the time you redesign it (rewrite the classes, functions, etc), it will be so different from the original that you can call it yours.

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Can you make a WPS brute force application from scratch? No, most programmers who don't design routers probably cannot, but you can look at concepts in existing code and redesign it. By the time you redesign it (rewrite the classes, functions, etc), it will be so different from the original that you can call it yours.

I might do that in the future, but I think the focus of my attention should be on this application. Thanks for the recommendation, though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey guys,

Been a while since I've updated you. Aircrack-NGUI now supports profiles on most of its completed pages (sans Wireshark at the moment due to its massive 50 or so options). That means you can create, save, and recall configurations at the drop of a hat (no need to make scripts!). You can also delete profiles for pages on the Settings screen. CSV and HTML exports were added to Discover Networks and Discover Hosts, and you can save program output to a TXT or HTML file. You can also save network card configuration information to a text file for later recall.

I do have some good stuff planned in the future including:

  • SET (Social-Engineer Toolkit)
  • MDK (Murder Death Kill)
  • Default profiles (automatically load a specific profile when you launch a window)
  • Option to log the commands NGUI does to a text file for script-creating or educational purposes (so you can hack a wireless network using NGUI and then review what command-line arguments accomplished this, or use those outputted commands to create a bash script)

Please try out NGUI and let me know what you think!

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  • 1 month later...

This seems like a pretty sick toolbox. Only problem is i can't figure out how to get it to play nicely with Kali. 90% of the tools are just grayed out.

I've tried pointing them to their directory in settings to no avail. Any info would be appreciated

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