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Looking For A System To Manage Guests On A Network

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Hi, I'm looking for a system that will allow me to provide guests access to the Internet.

I am looking for an open source solution, either something that already exists as a solution, or a DIY type job.

Basically I want to implement the same type of solution that you get at many hotels and caffes, when a user connects they must authenticate through a web interface, they can then access the Internet for a specific amount of time, then they have to authenticate again.

I am only looking for a software based solution as I have the hardware, and I would like the system to run on a machine running CentOS, Apache, PHP, and MySQL, along with some sort of firewall (that could provide this functionality) and router software. All trafic will be forwarded on to a separate router, and the WAPs will be independent of the system, only networked.

Please let me know if anyone can help



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By the sound of your description, what you need is a captitive portal. There are open sources solutions like Pfsense or Untangle, they are Linux firewall distros, that offers this functionality you are after.

Edited by Infiltrator
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Hi again

Still the same question as the previous comment, however I would like to know if it is possilbe to configure a passcode to only be usable once, then the user needs a new code to re-authenticate?

Basically what I require is a system that is designed for the guest in mind, and not the day to day user.

Any ideas?



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  • 4 weeks later...

The option I would recommend is either m0n0wall or Pfsense (based on m0n0wall). I don't know much about Pfsense, but I know m0n0wall has a voucher system as part of the captive portal. I'm not familiar with this particular function but there is more information out there. You can have the system give you a series of voucher numbers that allow a guest a set amount of time on the network.

Given that you want to run this on an existing server without having to install new hardware, you may have to virtualize the install of the firewall and setup routing to go through the firewall VM on some sort of dedicated guest network. Again, not my forte, but I would imagine it's possible.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Those are all very nice firewall / portals - The question for me is - are you trying to do this as a business or simply at home? If you're trying to do this at home you can use the Astaro UTM (Now Sophos) FREE of charge at home. Buy a compatible access point and you have one of the more powerful wireless access systems I've had the pleasure of playing with. The Astaro appliance has many advanced features that are right in line with what youre asking, including the ability to automatically make a random daily password and send it to you (and others) via email or allows you to supply vouchers for access time - eg give X:GiB/MiB credit or X:Mins/hours or both on a first one then the other bases. And if you need it for business its pretty in expense.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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