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Email Bomber


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I want to ask if someone could helpme out with a script to send many emails , recently i receive a lot of spam , and im tired of it , i want to fight back , would be great to send 4000 emails in one time to the spammer.

I have done some research there was a articel on linuxforums but the script was not complete


If someone can help me out would be great

Reguards Bastiaan

PS sorry for the bad english im Dutch.

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You do realise that most of the time the from address in spam emails is not going to go back to the spammer? The chances are that you would just get yourself kicked by your ISP for sending spam.

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I want to ask if someone could helpme out with a script to send many emails , recently i receive a lot of spam , and im tired of it , i want to fight back , would be great to send 4000 emails in one time to the spammer.

I have done some research there was a articel on linuxforums but the script was not complete


If someone can help me out would be great

Reguards Bastiaan

PS sorry for the bad english im Dutch.

A ditto to Jason Cooper's post. To give you a bit more information, the emails you are recieving from the spam are likely one of two things, controlled by a bot that really doesn't care what you send it or spoofed. The spammer can spoof the email showing in the header so that it isn't correct. In fact, they don't even have to own the account to send an email supposedly as someone. For instance just to mess with the IT company I used to work for I from my home computer (with no access to work email at all.) used a simple piece of software to send an "email" to support@mycompanyhere.com from ghost@mycompanyhere.com with the subject BoooOOOOooOOOO!!!!!

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Yeah, like the two previous comments, most spam is forged, or sent from a victims systems. I just found a flaw in a wordpress theme the other day, that basically lets anyone send spam via spoofed form, and all you had to do to abuse it, was encode the recipients email address in hexadecimal, and the wp would do the rest when posted against the page. Only way to really fight back, is track the email headers for the last IP in the list, and hope they weren't forged headers. Then track the IP to the ISP, and forward them a copy of the email as an attachment to their abuse department. If lucky, they can kill it, but more than likely, won't stop you from receiving spam. Just like website attacks, much of this is automated by botnets, and its nearly impossible to track them down.

Best case scenario, create multiple email addresses. 1 for work, 1 for family, 1 for friends, 1 for banking, and individual ones for EVERY social network you use. Sounds ridiculous, but also helps in the event any place gets compromised, and spammers end up harvesting your email from some database. Family emails should never be used to register with websites, banking email should be shared with NO ONE, and social networks and friends, well, just have to work the rest out as you see fit. In this day and age of the internet, you can never be too safe. Paranoid does not even apply these days, as its a necessary requirement if you intend to safeguard your data, email, etc. Know that at any time someone in your family gets attacked and has their address book raped, well, you start all over again. Can't tell you how much spam I get from family members, and all because they had their machines hacked and address books scraped.

Good luck though, whatever you try doing.

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~I am not responsible for what you do with this or its effects this is F.Y.I... Just to be safe :) ~


I havent tried the tool or used it but i hope it works for you....

Only problem is, he could end up mail bombing a forged sender, or in effect, his ISP might just shut him down if they see the peak traffic increase of emails. They'll assume hes part of a bot net and drop his connection.

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Not trying to discourage you, but trying to spam back the spammer is not going to help you much. As stated above, spams are forged, if you try sending emails back to those addresses, they will return to your inbox, with a "delivery notification error" and the only way to keep them out of your inbox is with a good spam filter.

I run my own mail server at home, and use SPF police to only receive emails from trusted domains, I have specified in my whitelist. Any domain that is not in the whitelist will automatically be blocked. I've also configured my mail server, to stop responding to any abusing IP address.

Edit: If you are not happy with the spam, consider migrating to a better email service, Gmail would be a nice one.

Edited by Infiltrator
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Only problem is, he could end up mail bombing a forged sender, or in effect, his ISP might just shut him down if they see the peak traffic increase of emails. They'll assume hes part of a bot net and drop his connection.

Considering that i reccomend you dont try this....

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Thanks for the unput , i will not try the program , i will make a new email adress and don 't share it with anyone , maby in the future the will change the policie , that you need authentication for sending a email . Maby that will solve the whole problem regarding to spam.

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The problem is that stop all the spam would require a complete switch from the existing protocols to completely new ones. They couldn't be backwards compatible as then the spammers would just use the same techniques as they have done. And seeing the length of time IPv6 is taking to roll out worldwide I suspect that spam will be with us for a long time yet.

The only real solution, like so many of today's issues, is education. By making sure people can spot which messages are spam and should just be deleted, there will be less financial reward for the spammers. There comes a tipping point where the spammers returns for their effort will be so low that they move onto other methods to make money (in fact there has already been indications that a lot of spammers are turning to click fraud, credit card fraud, renting out their bot nets or even getting a respectable job).

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