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Homemade Battery

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I am considering making 2 battery packs of 6 AA rechargeable, 1.5 (1.2 in real world) volts 2.500ma each and connect them in parallel so the output will be 7.2 volts (6x1.2=7.2) 30.000 ma (12x2.500=30.000) just like Darren did in one of he's projects ...

I want to ask how safe for the pineapple is this?? I know it is much less safer than a factory battery pack but in my opinion it is still very safe...

Also with this pack I want to power a USB hub which has an in put of 5v 2.5A... Is it going to work??

I know that the cost is much higher but I already have a lot of them...

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Provided that you already have plenty of AA batteries then i suggest you get this Regulator, it will help you a lot in your situation.

(6x1.2(2.500mAh)=7.2 2.500mAh) ===> yes, 30.000 ma (12x2.500=30.000) NOOOO! it would = 30.000 mAh if you connect them in parallel and voltage would be 1.2 Volt.

connect 12 of them in series to provide more voltage at the current of 2.500 mAh and regulate the output to 5 Volt for the usb hub.

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I have made a 8 aa rechargeable battery pack in series and it is completely fine, I checked with a volt meter and it was under 12 volts.

now for the usb hub unless it has a sufficient regulator built in I would not power it unless the power is always 5volts

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Thnk you for your replies!

Molotof i guess I will have to refresh my knowledge about batteries and how electrical power work's :P

Peterfm with 8 AA batteries in serial I guess the voltage is around 9,6V (8x1.2)... How many mA's is your pack and for how long can it power the pineapple?? (also do you have something alse connected to it? E.g. Alfa or USB storage..)

So you guys don't think there is a safety issue as long you keep the voltage between 5-12v?

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Peterfm with 8 AA batteries in serial I guess the voltage is around 9,6V (8x1.2)... How many mA's is your pack and for how long can it power the pineapple?? (also do you have something alse connected to it? E.g. Alfa or USB storage..)

So you guys don't think there is a safety issue as long you keep the voltage between 5-12v?

Sorry I have never tested how long that pack will last with mark4 and 16gig thumb drive, the battery's I use are Powerex 2700 rechargeable, and the maximum capacity is 2500mAh each, and from the stats on my fancy charger it is just above 2500mAh.

the voltage when fully charged is 11.4 I beleve.

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