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help with pandora hack


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i have firefox

windows xp

and an up to date java

when i get the hack running in the pandoras jar it says:

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

localhost connected to server.

unable to rip MP3 unable to find file make sure you have Pandora running in a FIRFOX browser

and in the cmd it says:

java.lang.RuntimeExeption: unable to rip MP3 unable to find file make sure you have pandora running in a FIREFOX browser

at server.Server.handleHTTPRequest<Server.java:133>

at server.Server.run<Server.java:83>

how could i get it to work?

i am also running wireless and it has given me problems in the past, if its something to do with my wireless what port sould i open to get it to work?

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