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Issues Clean Flashing A Bricked Mark Iv

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I am trying to do a clean flash on my Mark IV, but am stuck at the putty window with the cursor (see below). I am not sure what is going on. I followed the pinned guide by Mr.Protocol, but it is not working. I checked that my com3 port is working and all the connections are in the right order on the USB to TTL serial connection. I am running windows 7 64-bit and trying to connect through putty. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. P.S. The connector I bought was from here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/170809155735?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649


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How do you have the pins wired? You need to take the TX from the adapter to the RX of the board.

And RX of the board to TX of adapter.

Also check your buad rate in PuTTY and in Windows Device Manager. And turn off Flow Control.

Super that worked! How did you know the wires were switched around? Thanks

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We do have a few *actual* wizards around here for sure...MrP is modest. :)

I LOLd for real when I saw that OP supplemented the issue with that pic. :)

"Ok..what did the cursor actually look like? What shape was it?"

"Can you prove there were no other words, just a cursor?"

"YOU GOT THE YELLOW CURSOR?!?! OH NO, MAN, THAT IS THE WORS...er...wait, it was green? PHEW!!"

Nevermind me...been spending too much time on TheOatmeal today...that, and I'm borderline insane with sleep deprivation and working waaaay too damn hard. :) Glad you got your issue sorted. :)

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Welp I got it to communicate, but when it loads up, I can see the 3 selections, but it doesn't prompt me. There is a counter on the right side that counts down from 3. It loads by itself and gets stuck at "please press enter to activate this console". Basically it won't let me push "1" from the get go. :/ and I can't get past the "please press enter to activate this console". It doesn't do anything when I push "enter".

Edited by BigFanOHak5
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So I tried to use another program called secureCRT and it is doing the same thing. For some reason, the shell is not responding to my keyboard. I have tried it on 2 computer already. I guess I will exchange the pineapple for another one then.

P.S. For those of you who are thinking I didn't have the settings right for the com port, yes I have checked numerous times that the settings are correct in device manager as well as putty settings. I basically followed Mr. Protocol's video step-by-step. Not sure why else the terminal does not respond to any keys. I also did a google search and found that sometimes with putty you have to push $$$ before to get putty to respond. That doesn't work.

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Hmm, odd. If it matters at all, I did the actual install not the portable one. But hey, whatever terminal works.

Super that worked! How did you know the wires were switched around? Thanks

I work in Audio/Visual as a technician and we terminate all sorts of cables. Some less-knowledgeable technicians will switch the two and then our controllers we program cannot talk to the projectors/video switchers/cameras/etc. So lots of real-life type troubleshooting of systems.

Or I'm a wizard :P

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Yes, the correct com port is being used. As I stated before, I can see all the dialog in the putty terminal connection, but for some odd reason I can't send any commands to it. By default it picks option #3 for me because it does not sense that I'm trying to push the 1 key for option #1. I tripled checked that all the setting were correct in both putty and my com port in device manager in windows 7. I have no clue what else could be causing this issue.

Edited by BigFanOHak5
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