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Funny Question People Have Asked You When You Were Helping Them With Tech?

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I was wondering: did some one ever ask you guys a question when you were helping them do something? Something they thought was serious but you found funny?

Here is a example...

A Couple days ago i was helping my friend jailbreak his iPod touch (ios 5.1.1 /w Absinth 2.0). So I was texting him instructions on how to do it. First off, i told him to go to the greenp0sion site and download the files. A couple minutes later he texts me back telling me that it says "Safari cant download this type of file". I then realized he was trying to download the files to his iPod. So i was a little shocked and asked him why he was trying to get the file off his iPod? He then texted me the reason: "Well, if i download the file on my computer won't my computer get jail-broken too?!?!" Long story short i was laughing for 10 minutes. :D



I had a customer today that was shocked to find out that when she closes Internet Explorer she is still connected to the internet.

She thought that when she closes her browser the internet turns off or something.

Working in IT support you get this kind of stuff on a daily basis. Eventually you don't even realize how funny it is. You just expect it.


My customers, some of them(most are people whom I've become friends with, and don't have any issue with - so I feel very lucky in that department) but some of them, I would refer to as "the client from hell". To get a better idea on those types, just visit http://clientsfromhell.net/ and pretty much every conceivable thing you can think of, is on that site(at least for web and graphic designers that is).


My grandmother trolled me the other day.. I was trying to setup their new wifi router and needed to get on their home PC. She had reset her windows login password to "what" prior to me coming over. I asked her what her password was since it was not the same one I had set it as and she just kept responding with "what". Thinking that she couldn't hear me I repeated this question only to get the same answer. This process repeated 4 times, with me getting a little louder each time. She thought it was hilarious when I finally realized "what" is her password and that she had changed it to do this to me. She laughed with tears in her eyes for about 5 minutes.

I got trollolololol'ed by my grandmother. It made me laugh to see her laugh so much about something so silly.


LMAO They need more episodes. ----> http://www.thewebsiteisdown.com/

My favorite still has to be the "Now pretend you are going to take a bite into your delicious hard drive sandwich" Part, haha!


My favorite still has to be the "Now pretend you are going to take a bite into your delicious hard drive sandwich" Part, haha!

LMAO, what kind of sandwich is it?

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