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Wifi Pineapple Mk Iv Setup


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Okay I am banging my head against the wall not sure where the issue is. I am connecting my MK IV's WAN / LAN port to my home router. I can connect to the pineapple SSID and browse to The Pineapple has access to the internet. I can check for updates and browse modules / install modules from pineapple bar. But clients connecting to it cannot get out to the internet. I am guessing its a firewall issue but I am stumped and cannot troubleshoot. I have modified the /etc/config/firewall to include:

change rule

option src lan

option dest wan

option target ACCEPT

and rebooted still no go. If i setup Internet connection sharing it works fine. I have verified that my default gateway is now my home routers IP Please help

Pineapple Hardware Version: Mark IV

Pineapple Software Version: 2.3.1

OS used to connect to the pineapple: Windows XP

All the tools/options that are running on the pineapple when the issue happened: MK4 Karma and SSH to my VPS

Ping results from computer to pineapple: Successful

Is the problem repeatable: YES


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Okay I am banging my head against the wall not sure where the issue is. I am connecting my MK IV's WAN / LAN port to my home router. I can connect to the pineapple SSID and browse to The Pineapple has access to the internet. I can check for updates and browse modules / install modules from pineapple bar. But clients connecting to it cannot get out to the internet. I am guessing its a firewall issue but I am stumped and cannot troubleshoot. I have modified the /etc/config/firewall to include:

change rule

option src lan

option dest wan

option target ACCEPT

and rebooted still no go. If i setup Internet connection sharing it works fine. I have verified that my default gateway is now my home routers IP Please help

Pineapple Hardware Version: Mark IV

Pineapple Software Version: 2.3.1

OS used to connect to the pineapple: Windows XP

All the tools/options that are running on the pineapple when the issue happened: MK4 Karma and SSH to my VPS

Ping results from computer to pineapple: Successful

Is the problem repeatable: YES



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Customer support for the pineapple suck, i purchased one and up until now im unable to connect to the device to do anything at all. I called a million and one times no answer, left numerous messages still no reply, posted in the forum still no reply. its almost as if im invisible. The only way i see getting some form of recourse is by contacting paypal, man you guys busted by bubble i was so looking forward to getting this product now its almost like a nightmare. I live outside the country so i have to pay additional shipping plus exorbitant custom duty fees it would seem a total waste to return this product, i would really want some help from someone. I followed all the instructions on first setup, and when i go to the i get "The connection was reset". There is no lan indicator light on only the WPS flashing real fast, i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed HELP!

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Is it broadcasting the pineapple SSID? Takes a minute to boot up. How are you connecting to it? If it lets you connect to the SSID or you're getting an IP address via dhcp in the 172.16.42.x range, try going to

If a log in pops up you're good.

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