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Stupid Shit That Pops In My Head.


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Why do they call diet coke "diet", but diet beer "lite"? :D

Diet coke tastes like disgusting "diet" sweeteners.

Lite beer generally tastes like watery beer.

You can make a lite soda by filling a glass with ice, pouring in soda, waiting for all the ice to melt.

You can't make a "diet" beer with artificial sweeteners because yeast requires real sugar.

Edited by Sitwon
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Diet coke tastes like disgusting "diet" sweeteners.

Lite beer generally tastes like watery beer.

You can make a lite soda by filling a glass with ice, pouring in soda, waiting for all the ice to melt.

You can't make a "diet" beer with artificial sweeteners because yeast requires real sugar.

Wow...you really thought that answer through LOL. Can't argue with that!

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