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Noob Pineapple Question

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I assume there's a simple answer to this question but I just can't' seem to find it anywhere. Maybe I'm missing it. Anyways, when I SSH into the pineapple, I want to look around and see what directories are in root but I can't get ls to list anything. I've only been able to cd into /www/pineapple but I'm not sure what any other directories are called so I'm not sure how to cd into them. So, how can I see a list of all the directories in the pineapple?

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what is the output you get when you run 'ls /'?

I don't get anything when I run "ls". It does the same thing as just pressing enter. When I do ls -la I get this:

drwxr-xr-x	1 	root	root	0 Jan 1 00:00 .
drwxr-xr-x	1	root	root	0 Jan 1 00:00 . .
drwxr-xr-x	2	root	root	0 Jan 1 00:00 .ssh

cd /

ls -al

Pretty sure you don't login to the root of the drive when you login, you get a root home folder.

I log into the pineapple with

ssh root@

so I assumed I was already in root rather than the home folder. This proves that I'm rather new to using linux, but you're right I wasn't in root but in the home folder. Thanks, Mr-Protocol!

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I assume there's a simple answer to this question but I just can't' seem to find it anywhere. Maybe I'm missing it. Anyways, when I SSH into the pineapple, I want to look around and see what directories are in root but I can't get ls to list anything. I've only been able to cd into /www/pineapple but I'm not sure what any other directories are called so I'm not sure how to cd into them. So, how can I see a list of all the directories in the pineapple?

Oh, I had this problem too. Just "cd .." it will take you to the root dir. Then "ls -la". Once you login via ssh you need to go one directory up, like I said.

Hope this helps. :)

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