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OK, so DNS Spoofing was not my original intent for the Jasager, but it's starting to seem really unclear as to if packets, once captured, can give me the login credentials I need to impress my pen test client. Thus I made a little HTML webpage that looks roughly like a pop-up login page generated by 1 of the clients' WiFi networks. It's simple: there's some text, then a box for the username, a box for the password, and a submit button. I have it looking as it should but I have no clue how to make the text boxes and submit button work.

What I want to happen is once the credentials are entered the submit button should have hidden code that makes it either save or email to me the values entered by the user, and send the user to www.gooogle.com, ideally without the option of going back to the spoofed login page. If you can help me get this working I'm happy to change some of the client-identifying parts then provide a version for the community, not that there's much to it. Thanks in advance.

<label for="name">

						<input id="name" name="name" class="required" tabindex="1" type="text" value="" size="20" autocomplete="false"/>

                    <div class="row">
                        <label for="password">

						<input id="password" name="password" class="required" tabindex="2" type="password" value="" size="25" autocomplete="off"/>

                    <div class="row btn-row">
						<div align="center">
						  <input type="hidden" name="_eventId" value="submit" />

						  <input class="btn-submit" name="submit" value="Continue" tabindex="4" type="submit" />

White hat,

Look up how to create a form in HTML then have it post to a .php page that writes the data to a text file. I am guessing you got this HTML code from somewhere else or a tutorial as it has attributes that are worthless to you. Also this is just going to be a normal page right now not a popup. If you have access to the clients login page I would just copy that then alter the data inside the <form></form> tags.

There are examples of this already look at e phishing tutorial on the wiki.

Posted · Hidden by whitehat, April 11, 2012 - i figured it out
Hidden by whitehat, April 11, 2012 - i figured it out

White hat,

Look up how to create a form in HTML then have it post to a .php page that writes the data to a text file. I am guessing you got this HTML code from somewhere else or a tutorial as it has attributes that are worthless to you. Also this is just going to be a normal page right now not a popup. If you have access to the clients login page I would just copy that then alter the data inside the <form></form> tags.

There are examples of this already look at e phishing tutorial on the wiki.

Thanks. The HTML is from the target, asides from just the title/body text on the page and a logo that's all that's there (the other stuff is hidden somehow). When you say to look at phishing on the Wiki do you mean this or something else:

DNS Spoofing
Page History
The WiFi Pineapple Mark III makes DNS Spoofing, and thus phishing, simple. Similar to the auto-rickroll attack of the Mark II, the Mark III comes with the ability to spoof DNS entries as well as serve up PHP pages.

In this guide we'll walk through the process of setting up a phishing site to pose as example.com

From the WiFi Pineapple's Status page click Edit next to DNS Spoof. In the configuration text area add example.com on a new line and click update.

Now using SSH or SCP edit Pineapple's /www/redirect.php file to look similar to the following:

if (strpos($ref, "example")){ header('Location: example.html'); }

The above redirect.php script checks the referrer for the word example. If example is found in the URL it forwards the browser to the example.html page.

Now create a file containing the text “Hello World” and save it as example.html. Upload it to the Pineapple's /www/ and start the DNS Spoof service from the Status page.

From a client connected to the WiFi Pineapple browse to example.com and notice your own “Hello World” text.
Last edited by sebkinne, a month ago

I read that and the rickrolling page, but that didn't really help me with the task at hand. I am reading up on HTML as you suggested (here http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp) but if anyone knows how to do this off the top of your head and can help me out I'd really appreciate it. I have to get this done kinda soon.

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