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Lorcon Error Metasploit Backtrack 5 R2


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Could you provide those errors for us, we can't really tell what the problem is without looking at the error messages.

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Could you provide those errors for us, we can't really tell what the problem is without looking at the error messages.

In order to use the WiFi modules, the lorcon2 extension must be installed:

# cd /pentest/svn

# svn co http://802.11ninja.n...vn/lorcon/trunk lorcon2

# cd lorcon2

# ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install

# cd /pentest/svn/framework3/external/ruby-lorcon2

# ruby extconf.rb

# make && make install

The install is successful but I am still unable to use the WiFi modules.

Did I miss a step because every where I have found are the same


as stated above and as you can see from the output below it doesn't work.

=[ metasploit v4.3.0-dev [core:4.3 api:1.0]

+ -- --=[ 821 exploits - 461 auxiliary - 141 post

+ -- --=[ 250 payloads - 27 encoders - 8 nops

=[ svn r15057 updated today (2012.04.03)

msf > use auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap

msf auxiliary(fakeap) > run

[*] The Lorcon2 module is not available: no such file to load -- Lorcon2

[-] Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError Lorcon2 not available

[-] Call stack:

[-] /opt/metasploit/msf3/lib/msf/core/exploit/lorcon2.rb:66:in `open_wifi'

[-] /opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap.rb:44:in `run'

[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

msf auxiliary(fakeap) >

I hope you can help and shed some light on what I may have done wrong


This is the current version of Backtrack 5 r2, i have apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade. I have svn updated everything as well but still no answer.

Apparently i need an older version of lorcon to make this work but after googling i can't find and site which tells me how to get an old version of lorcon and to make it work with metasploit. Can anyone tell me how this is done?

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msf > use auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap
msf auxiliary(fakeap) > run
[*] The Lorcon2 module is not available: no such file to load -- Lorcon2
[-] Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError Lorcon2 not available

By looks of the error message, it seems that there are not binaries or files in the "Fakeap" directory.

Could you do an ls -l auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap, and post the results in here.

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msf > use auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap
msf auxiliary(fakeap) > run
[*] The Lorcon2 module is not available: no such file to load -- Lorcon2
[-] Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError Lorcon2 not available

By looks of the error message, it seems that there are not binaries or files in the "Fakeap" directory.

Could you do an ls -l auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap, and post the results in here.

root@bt:/opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/auxiliary/dos/wifi# ls -l /opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap.rb

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2469 2012-02-22 04:17 /opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/auxiliary/dos/wifi/fakeap.rb


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I have encountered this before trying to run airpwn. If I remember rightly, there was a bug release from Backtrack on this matter. It contained instructions telling you to re-compile and install the lorcon librarys. I'll see if I can dig it up again.

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I've noticed you are still using the MSF3, trying updating to the latest module.

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