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Flash A Hornet


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There is absolutely no way I'd pay $30 (or even $3) for that Alfa board. I own one. Sure, it works....if you also purchase a usb-to-9pin serial cable...and a gender changer.

I posted a link in an earlier thread to a serial board that cost $3.99, shipped, and it works far better than the Alfa one, as it works stand alone (no additional hardware required) AND it powers the board as well, so you don't need to provide additional power the board when flashing.

USB to Serial board

I liked this one so much that I purchased a 2nd one just to have around as a spare.

eta: price correction.

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There is absolutely no way I'd pay $30 (or even $3) for that Alfa board. I own one. Sure, it works....if you also purchase a usb-to-9pin serial cable...and a gender changer.

I posted a link in an earlier thread to a serial board that cost $3.99, shipped, and it works far better than the Alfa one, as it works stand alone (no additional hardware required) AND it powers the board as well, so you don't need to provide additional power the board when flashing.

USB to Serial board

I liked this one so much that I purchased a 2nd one just to have around as a spare.

eta: price correction.

The alfa are NOT normal Serial, it is UART. So a USB to Serial cable with adapters WILL NOT WORK!

You will only get garbage data in your terminal, I tried that first before buying the Alfa Console board (I currently work in Audio/Visual and deal with control systems, RS232, and so on every day). Yes there are cheaper console boards for UART out there. I bought one that is made by Alfa so I was 100% it would work.

What you linked is a piece of hardware itself. It is a USB to UART. Also have to keep in mind that UART has a 3v and 5v. So you must make sure you know which one to use. I think Darren had the one you listed and ended up breaking it somehow. Possibly hooked it up incorrectly by mistake, not sure.

From your link:

Dual 3.3V and 5V Power output( by Changing the Jumper), work with 3.3v and 5v target device

Just make sure you have the jumper in the right place, or you will break things :)

Side Note: Unless you are Beta Testing firmwares, developing modules, etc., there really is no need for a console board.

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The alfa are NOT normal Serial, it is UART. So a USB to Serial cable with adapters WILL NOT WORK!

You will only get garbage data in your terminal, I tried that first before buying the Alfa Console board (I currently work in Audio/Visual and deal with control systems, RS232, and so on every day). Yes there are cheaper console boards for UART out there. I bought one that is made by Alfa so I was 100% it would work.

What you linked is a piece of hardware itself. It is a USB to UART. Also have to keep in mind that UART has a 3v and 5v. So you must make sure you know which one to use.


Well, I can tell you that it *DOES* work just fine, because I've done it.

The Alfa board, with a USB-to-Serial cable, and a gender changer works just fine...if you think spending over $40 to do the same thing that the $3.99 solution does is ok. I do not think it's ok.

What I linked to is indeed a piece of hardware...for a fraction of the cost of the Alfa board...which performs exactly the same function with regard to flashing.

I know this because I've USED BOTH SOLUTIONS on the MK4.

The USB to UART I linked to does both 3.3 and 5, you simply connect the power lead to either the 3.3 or the 5.

How much are you getting for each Alfa board they sell? ;)

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It will not work. If you get a USB to Serial cable, it will not work. I would like to chat with you if you did get this to work because they are two different technologies. When I attempted this, before purchasing the Alfa console board, it only showed unreadable characters in my terminal.

Details of character format and transmission bit rate are controlled by the serial port hardware, often a single integrated circuit called a UART that converts data from parallel to asynchronous start-stop serial form. Details of voltage levels, slew rate, and short-circuit behavior are typically controlled by a line driver that converts from the UART's logic levels to RS-232 compatible signal levels, and a receiver that converts from RS-232 compatible signal levels to the UART's logic levels.


If you have what you linked, that is USB to UART.

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It will not work. If you get a USB to Serial cable, it will not work. I would like to chat with you if you did get this to work because they are two different technologies.

If you have what you linked, that is USB to UART.


I've just told you that it DOES work, because I've DONE IT. Are you calling me a liar?

- TrendNet USB to Serial Cable - TU-S9

- Alfa UART board (the $30 one)

- Gender Changer (fem/fem) - Serial Gender Changer F/F

Connect the TrendNet cable - drivers pick up

Connect Alfa Board via gender changer to TrendNet Serial Cable - drivers pick up

Flash your MK4. (I use PuTTY)

This is the exact method and equipment I used to flash my first Hornet-UB board.

How about we make a wager, and I'll record the event with a camera?

eta: added links to the exact products I purchased from Amazon

eta2: yes, USB to UART...that's what I linked to...I ordered it while awaiting my Alfa serial board to arrive

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I think there is some confusion here.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Your setup is: PC > TrendNet Cable > Gender Changer > Alfa Board?


Hell, the thing is still coiled up just as I left it after using it in my bag.

eta: Using Windows 7 on the PC

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Hell, the thing is still coiled up just as I left it after using it in my bag.

Ok, yes of course that works.

What I thought you said, and what I was trying to make clear, is that you cannot USB-to-Serial > Hornet.

I thought you were saying that was your setup, which will not work.

Also if you buy the Alfa developer kit, it comes with a serial cable, so there would be no need for a gender changer. Only would need a USB-to-Serial adapter if your computer does not have a serial port.

And to answer a question from above, I don't get any compensation for Alfa console boards sold. Why you would think that is beyond me. I use what is made for the boards so I don't blow them up.

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Ok, yes of course that works.

What I thought you said, and what I was trying to make clear, is that you cannot USB-to-Serial > Hornet.

I thought you were saying that was your setup, which will not work.

Ahhhh...I couldn't BELIEVE you were telling me it couldn't work!! :) :lol: ;)

Right...UART is required.

The whole point of my original post was that the Alfa board is WAAAY over priced for what it does, and unless you have a 9pin serial on your PC, you still have to go buy a USB-to-9pin Serial cable, and in my case, I also had to buy a F/F gender changer.

That costs over $40 to setup that rig.

Teh link I posted is USB-to-UART (yes, I said "serial" in my first post, which may have been the source of all the confusion, my fault!) and is only $3.99 shipped.

So, $3.99, or $40+ to do the same job?

I was just pointing out to those in this thread that it could be done for a LOT cheaper than the Alfa route, but confirming that it does indeed work...just really expensive and not worth the extra cost IMHO.

eta: I was just pokin' fun on the "how much do you get for each Alfa board". Guess I should have put a "winkie face" there...no slight intended, just having some fun :)

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Yes, it can be done cheaper, but there is more risk involved. Unless I'm mistaken, both Darren and Seb have fried either boards or the adapters while developing. Just need to be careful is all. I had the spare cash, felt like paying the extra.

Luckily enough mine was gifted to me so I didn't have to pay the $30.

I have done 3 of these now with that USB-to-UART rig for $3.99 and they all went flawlessly.

Just wanted to share my experience with others who may be thinking the only way to do it is to spend $30+ on something that could be had much cheaper and is IMHO a tighter solution (provides power to the Hornet and doesn't require additional hardware to make it work)

Agreed, with the MK4, flashing can definitely be risky if you're not being careful and taking your time to do it right. Just be sure you get your jumpers on the right pins.

Otherwise, comms is comms is comms. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to Mr Protocol for posting this in my thread - I did try to find it but couldnt.

My issue is this, I have a Alfa Console Board connected to a keyspan USB to Serial converter and all I get is junk in putty. Am I doing something wrong? I've read this thread a number of times and from what I can see its all correct :/

Thanks in advance

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You cannot use a USB to Serial adapter by itself. You need a 3.3v UART adapter as well.

I personally have one of these: http://www.alfa.com.tw/in/front/bin/ptdetail.phtml?Part=consoleboard&Category=0

Or you can use what hfam uses, just be careful how you hook it up: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160765044944

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That is what I meant by Alfa Console Board... I have that attached to a KeySpan USB to Serial converter and that to my laptop... is that correct?

Sorry, skimmed the post.

Hornet > Alfa Board (Use the pin-out in my previous post so you plug it in correctly) > Serial to USB > Laptop

I am also not sure if that board powers the hornet itself. I plug mine into the AC Outlet.

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