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Feature Request. Disable Wireless


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  • 1 month later...

EDIT: I've change the commands given by start/stopwlan.php, instead of ifconfig i used wifi so the monitor interface will be started/shutdown as well. Complete WiFi silence when turned off ;)

I updated the index.php myself :)

Here's what you do ;)

Use your favorite texteditor to edit this file:


Look for this piece of code:

$iswlanup = exec("ifconfig wlan0 | grep UP | awk '{print $1}'");
if ($iswlanup == "UP") {
echo " Wireless  <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>.<br />";
} else { echo " Wireless  <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>.<br />"; }

comment the code so it doesn't work anymore, because we are going to make some "new" code

change it so it looks like this: (note the /* above and the */ under the code)

$iswlanup = exec("ifconfig wlan0 | grep UP | awk '{print $1}'");
if ($iswlanup == "UP") {
echo " Wireless  <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>.<br />";
} else { echo " Wireless  <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>.<br />"; }

Add the following code under the code you just commented:

if ( exec("ifconfig wlan0 | grep UP | awk '{print $1}'") == "UP" ){
$iswlanup = true;
if ($iswlanup != "") {
echo " Wireless  <font color=\"lime\"><b>enabled</b></font>.  | <a href=\"config/stopwlan.php\"><b>Stop</b></a><br />";
} else { echo " Wireless  <font color=\"red\"><b>disabled</b></font>. | <a href=\"config/startwlan.php\"><b>Start</b></a> <br />"; }

Save your index.php

Now we are almost there but we need to make two more files.

Create a file called startwlan.php and add follwing code:

exec ("wifi");
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/pineapple/">
</head><body bgcolor="black" text="white"><pre>
echo "Wireless started";

And create a file called stopwlan.php and add following code:

exec("wifi down");
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/pineapple/">
</head><body bgcolor="black" text="white"><pre>
echo "Wireless disabled";

Copy the files startwlan.php and stopwlan.php to /www/pineapple/config/

Refresh your Status page and voila! :D

There are probably much easier and cleaner ways to do this, but it works and i wanted to contribute ;)

Some screenies :D



Edited by WatskeBart
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