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[Question] How to find "second" Usb


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First off, I'd like to thank Darren, Hak5, and the others who have worked to make this tool as great as it is!

I was recently reading about Irongeek's PHUKD tool and he mentioned in a talk that he is able to find a USB drive by its volume name like "MyThumbDrive." Has anyone been able to do something like this with the Ducky? This would be a great "work around" while we wait for the possibility of mounting the Duck as a COM port.

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There is no code in the current firmware to mount the SD card in the operating system so the answer to your question is no. The SD card as used by Iron geeks PHUKD project uses the Teensy and has code that mounts the SD card in the operating system allowing it to be used as a drive. He just executes code to find that drive using the volume name.


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Ah. I guess I misunderstood what he was saying. I know we can't mount the SD card it would be awesome, but I understand (unlike others it seems) that this was never promised, only stated that it "might" be a possibility.

I thought Irongeek said that he could find a SECOND usb drive by volume name.

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