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How To Give Vm Access To Packets Going Through Host


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Hi Guy's and Girls.

I have a lot of data going through my Macbook and I'd like to try messing around with a lot of the tools I've seen like driftnet.

I have a VM (VMWare fusion) running Blackbuntu which I love and use a lot. My question is how can I get the packets coming

from my mac's wireless adapter to my mac's NIC to pass though the hosted VM.

Idealy I'd love to give blackbuntu access to the network adapters and let it worry about any forwarding but I'd settle for

bouncing some of the data it's way.

Thanks a lot.


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If wired, VMware will see the nic. If wireless, use a USB dongle and it will see the wireless NIC and will be able to put it into monitor mode, do injection, etc. If you bridge it to your internal wireless card while already connected to a network from the host, it treats it as a wired ethernet with no control to do monitor mode or control it directly.

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I may have misread the topic. Are you trying to monitor the HOST from the VM? What packets are you trying to get to the VM, from another machine on the same network, or what traffic the VM's HOST sees? If you want to see the hosts traffic, you could run Wireshark on the host itself. If you were planning to MITM the host to capture its traffic via bridget adapter, it might work, but I think things would go south pretty quickly.

My question is how can I get the packets coming from my mac's wireless adapter to my mac's NIC to pass though the hosted VM.

MACbook Wifi > MACbook Ethernet > to VM?

If the question was, how can you give the VM access to the mac's wifi card, and its internal only, you would need to use a USB Wifi NIC to let the VM do whatever you want on the wireless side.

Edited by digip
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